Three people sitting on the railing of a balcony, one has a rainbow flag draped over their shoulder.
Photo by Gotta Be Worth It from Pexels

Do you have diversity and inclusivity policies in place in your organisation?

If not, why not?

Sel Leigh
5 min readJul 17, 2020


Is it because you think that it isn’t important? Or is it because you are so clear that diversity and inclusion are important, that you don’t think you need to outline it in a separate document?

Spoiler, both of these reasons are precisely why you NEED to have specific policies in place.

Diversity and inclusivity (D&I) policies make clear the position of any organisation on the minimum standards required. In short, they draw a line in the sand on what behaviours are expected — and what will not be tolerated. They clarify the expectations for the working environment to be safe and welcoming for everyone, but also enable you to take immediate and decisive action when there’s evidence that this is not occurring.

While important on its own, this is just the starting point for any organisations expression of tolerance. There is so much more to D&I than just stating of boundaries or “bare-level” standards.

Defining your organisations D&I is about striving for equality. Its not about ticking a race card or about making sure there are enough women (any woman) at the table. It’s not so you can say you have included the token minority.

