Rock with MITH! Let’s go to “Ed Sheeran Divide World Tour 2019”|秘銀生活圈正式跨足音樂!Ed Sheeran演唱會首度開放秘銀幣支付

Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2019

MITH is pleased to announce that MITH will be accepted as a payment option for Ed Sheeran’s “Divide World Tour 2019” in Taiwan on April 4.

This is MITH’s first step into the music industry along with Jeffrey Huang’s (founder of MITH) deep connection in the Asian entertainment industry.
After the announcements of partnerships with local cafes that accept MITH as a method of payment, opportunities for MITH abound in 2019. Other than the online tickets sales platforms, a chain of merchant stores and diversified mining options are getting on board with MITH to create a cross-industry ecosystem.

This exciting news not only diversifies the use cases of MITH, but also demonstrates the acceptance towards crypto-adoption in Taiwan at an international level.


秘銀生活圈正式跨足音樂!Ed Sheeran演唱會首度開放秘銀幣支付

暨與咖啡廳合作後,秘銀團隊如火如荼對外洽談更多計劃;包括三月底即將與大家見面的手搖飲專案,以及更多跨產業的「挖礦方式」。呼應創辦人麻吉大哥音樂人的背景,秘銀更與演唱會緊密合作,首度跨足音樂,Ed Sheeran 4/4於台灣演唱會首度開放秘銀幣支付,此一合作不僅顯示秘銀幣運用更趨多元化、以提昇生活便利性為出發點,更可見國內音樂產業對虛擬貨幣及不同的支付方式採更趨開放的態度。

