The life-changing impact of wearing an alcohol tag

Ministry of Justice
3 min readMay 19, 2020


New legislation means that offenders who commit alcohol-fuelled crime can be banned from drinking and made to wear an alcohol tag on their ankle for up to 120 days.

As part of a two-year Suspended Sentence Order, Dave* took part in an Alcohol Abstinence Monitoring Requirement (AAMR) pilot scheme, where he was made to wear a tag that monitored his alcohol consumption for 90 days, during which he had to remain completely abstinent.

The tags can make a positive difference for offenders and the public by helping to reduce the cycle of reoffending. Here, Dave reflects on how wearing the tag has changed his life for the better.

“I had been a heavy binge drinker for around 20 years. All of my relationships failed because of my drinking. I lost a lot of friends and family as well.

“When I was drinking, I was boisterous. I hated police and I would seek fights with anybody. It created a different person.

“The first two weeks of the AAMR were really hard. Friends tried to get me to drink and it was hard to say no. I had shakes and struggled to sleep. I felt anxious and past trauma I had buried with the drink came back to my thoughts. I kept thinking, ‘if I drink, I will go to prison,’ and that helped to keep it at bay. I was also ready to change because of my health and the offence.

“As time went on, I started to feel better. My flat looked better; I bought stuff for it instead of buying beer, including a new TV! I had the time, money and energy to decorate and do the garden. There were no cans all over the house. I got up in the mornings with no problem. Work colleagues and friends said I looked better. My skin looked better.”

Life after the tag

“Since the tag came off, I feel lots better. I have a new girlfriend and people who care about me. They see me not as an alcoholic. My daughter is really proud of me and she has stuck by me through all of it.

“My life has changed so much I don’t need to drink. I buy lots of green tea! I feel in control. I was worried that I might go back to drinking again but I remembered what I had learnt from my probation officer and kept going. I was also worried about the risk of going back to court — it terrified me, so I knew I had to continue with managing my drinking. The tag and the support I got from my probation officer helped me 100%.

“I hope my future will be fantastic. This is a different way of life. I can do what I want and go where I want without the drink controlling me. I can even remember my parents without being angry, even though I still get upset. It’s sad that I’ve wasted 20 years, but the next 20 years will be better. I’m pleased that the tag is going to be rolled out to others.”

Dave took part in a pilot scheme with Humberside, Lincolnshire and North Yorkshire Community Rehabilitation Company. He is now in the second year of his Suspended Sentence Order and continues to make good progress.

*Dave is not the offender’s real name.



Ministry of Justice

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