Culture — Part 2

Dustin Laun
4 min readApr 4, 2016


In my last post, I briefly discussed what I thought the ‘state’ of most cultures were in as far as companies go. The below is a little long, however it was the gauntlet that was thrown down on paper. Our follow up will discuss the ‘how’. Would love to hear your thoughts if you could achieve even one of the following below?

Our vision:

We will create a corporate structure that never incentivizes the wrong behavior. MoboTour’s behavior and essence is always do what’s right for your clients, peers, employees, partners, and families, and everything else will work itself out.

MoboTour will have the luxury to not be a money first organization. We will never turn our back on this notion and will refuse to hire anyone that needs to be money first. If we wanted money, we can earn plenty in corporate America. We want to create the best experience for anyone that interacts with us. This is a viral notion and will drive more revenue than anyone could imagine. Additionally we will have more humans wanting to be part of this organization.

Every human we ever encounter from the janitor we see in an airport to a CEO of a 14,000 person company will be treated the same. We will empower our employees to think differently and to never settle for the status quo. No human in our organization will ever be afraid or even have the notion that founders or executives are on a pedestal. They will never be punished for speaking their mind or challenging the leadership’s vision. We will create a culture of respectful disagreement and collective agreement situations.

We will all recognize when we no longer have answers, or energy and know that the youth of today will be able to drive vision and direction.

There will be no dress code, there will be no bullsh*t policies for the sake of policy. We don’t have to do things because people tell us that is how a business is supposed to function. My personal vision is to create a culture where if a title is important then you shouldn’t work here. Not that a flat organization will work, however when you need a title to feel important, you’ve damaged our culture with your insecurity. It will be our job to help everyone feel special and important minus a title.

Every person that is part of our organization will hold anyone accountable if they feel something is slipping or missing.

We will create a culture of simplicity in all that we do.. This will require us to have extremely complex visions, debates, workflow discussions to find the simplicity. We will have this simplicity flow through every department, every policy, every procedure. This is important as it’s a reflection of the product our clients’ use and every interaction they have with us. Complexity is laziness.

We will create the highest performing team on the planet. This team will be challenged by the minute to never relax and continuously try to outdo that minute. We cannot relax in this area. This will force the leadership to constantly reward and recognize. If we are doing that properly, humans will want to keep challenging themselves to get better by the minute.

We as a culture will not tolerate excuses. We will not tolerate politicians, get ahead at the expense of others. We as a culture will also always encourage anyone to do what makes them happy even if it’s not at MoboTour. No one will be punished for taking another road. We at MoboTour do not own humans. We simply create a culture of gratitude for anyone’s time no matter 1 minute or 25 years. Every minute spent on our company helped us get to where we are. This includes negative interactions as they are helpful as well.

We will create a culture of fun and zero pressure. This goes back to a few statements earlier. It will be extremely complex for leadership to always make it feel this way. However, that is on us to take complexity and turn it into simplicity.

We will create a culture where learning on any level is always going to be rewarded. Every employee needs to learn daily and teach us as they do. They need to teach their peers as well. This will only make the team stronger.

We will create a culture where departments always feel part of other department goals and success. There will be no formal divide.

We will create a culture of 100% honesty and transparency at all levels while operating with nothing but integrity. We will not tolerate anything less. You will always look your peers in the eye and no matter how hard tell the truth.

Stay tuned for more…



Dustin Laun

CEO mobohubb — brimming with infectious energy, irrational confidence, and really big ideas