The President Who Cried Wolf

In Moderation
2 min readApr 7, 2017


If there’s one thing everyone agrees about the President, it’s that Trump is a liar. Sure you’ll still find trolls out there disputing that, saying he was confused about electoral vote counts, or he’s bad at estimating crowd sizes, or that he didn’t hear a word Hillary said about Russian espionage attacks to influence the election. When pressed most supporters will admit the lies, sometimes offering a defense of ‘everyone lies’ or he’s a great negotiator.

Many outlets like the Washington Post document Trumps lies extensively.

Trump repeatedly (18 times as of Mar. 30, 2017) took credit for projects involving Ford, GM, Fiat Chrysler and other companies that were announced or planned long before he took office.

A common theme is taking credit for Obama successes. Another is inane accusations against Obama or the Clinton’s. Wacky conspiracy theory stuff like trying to blame the Clinton’s for the fact that a 51% Russian owned company has a share of Uranium reserves that stay in the United States. Many lies are there to deflect or deny the obvious, like the Trump Russia connections.

Some blame most of the lies on Trump’s ignorance or incompetence. While that may be true in some cases, Trump’s lies are just too extensive for that explanation alone.

Like the boy watching Sheep in the fable, Trump seems to be amused by the lying. And like the frustrated townspeople who came running every time, we’ve tried to warn him “”Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong! Don’t cry ‘wolf’ when there is NO wolf!””

“Why should Americans trust you when you accuse the information they’ve received of being fake when you’re providing information that’s not accurate?” -Peter Alexander

Why should American’s trust Trump indeed?

On the morning of today, 4/7/2017, Trump ordered a missile strike on Syria, in response to the atrocious bombing using nerve gas that killed at least 72 people , many children.

Somewhere Trump has issued an explanation, or justification for this action, but his words are not important. Whatever he says, the villagers won’t believe him.

