Great Ways to Celebrate the First Day of Homeschool

Modern Homeschool Family
Modern Homeschool Family
3 min readSep 6, 2017
great ways to celebrate the first day of homeschool

When the kids in the neighborhood head back to school homeschoolers get to do things a bit differently. I love that I can relax with the children while the neighbors have to get up and get out the door on time. Nothing makes a new year start out right like a slow relaxing morning except maybe these great ways to celebrate the first day of school with your homeschooler.

Throw a party and make the first day of school exciting. These are the memories your children will have for a lifetime. Grab some snack, create some games, and invite other homeschoolers you know by to enjoy the fun. IF the local school has a half day be sure to invite your child’s non-homeschooled friends over for a bit of fun to celebrate their first day.

Have a PJ day and watch the school bus go by. People joke that homeschoolers spend all day in their pajamas. Why not have a little fun and spend the day in pajamas watching movies, eating popcorn, and just relaxing? Want something more active? Hit the beach, water park, or local pool while the neighborhood is back at school before they close down for the year. Starting the year out doing something fun like this is a great way to give the year a cheerful start and make diving back into the book all that much easier.

Go on a field trip with your homeschoolers. The beginning of the school year is a dream come true for homeschool moms that love field trips. When the local kids go back to school museums, science centers, parks, zoos, and libraries are all EMPTY! This is the perfect time to plan all of your warm weather field trips to allow you a chance to enjoy them without the summer crowds before it gets cool.

Hit the books with a fun twist. If you would rather celebrate by diving into school head first but you still want to have fun why not plan a surprise curriculum unveiling? Grab some wrapping paper while out doing your school supply shopping, add a fun book to the mix, and fill your school supplies bins up with fresh crayons and such. wrap the curriculum, any cool fun school supplies you found on sale like fun notebooks and binders, and your child’s curriculum for the year. Your kids will love the building excitement of unwrapping the fun new stuff they get to do this year. Then turn the wrapping paper into book covers.

Originally published at Modern Homeschool Family.

