A positive look ahead on how and why the value of the ModulTrade token, MTRc, might increase.

3 min readDec 5, 2017


ModulTrade recently launched its ModulTrade Platform (MTP), a new digital marketplace where micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) can meet, commit and execute trade with freedom. In conjunction, ModulTrade created its own digital token, the MTRc (based on the standard Ethereum) to allow transactions to be made within the eco-system securely and with ease.

As we look ahead to the future of the business, we predict and explain how MTRc token owners will be able to increase their assets and why the value of the token might grow. There are three key factors which must work in harmony for a successful asset growth, including:

  1. Network value growth.
  2. Number of potential users.
  3. Rate of adoption.

Firstly, when we set out our business plan, we thoroughly researched the audience and the market, which in turn calculated a forecast of a significant increase in the value of MTRc, mainly due to the growth of the underlying ModulTrade network made up of MSMEs, third-party service providers and third-party developers. In any case, the network value growth is usually much higher than the growth in the number of its users (Metcalfe’s Law states that a network’s value is proportional to the square of the number of users). Explained in figures, a 2x growth in users could lead to a 4x growth in network value, a 10x to 100x, a 50x to a 2,500x, and so on.

Secondly, the next question is how fast can the network grow? The growth in the number of users depends on the potential number of users, then on the adoption rate. In this instance, the potential number of users is huge, with ≈400Mln MSMEs worldwide, plus all the third-party service providers / developers. To give you an idea, this is at least 27x the number of the current Bitcoin Blockchain wallet users (≈15Mln)

And thirdly, the adoption rate depends on the following:

  • How useful the ModulTrade Platform is to the potential user (it solves an existing problem by providing MSMEs the chance to trade, while boosting enterprises’ revenues);
  • How long ModulTrade takes to develop the product/platform (ModulTrade have already developed a beta version of the product);
  • How good a business is in acquiring new users (the ModulTrade team are multicultural and multidisciplinary with global reach, and the MTRc token sale is evident of a strong marketing programme).

In summary, the approach, potential users and the ModulTrade teams’ efforts to grow a user base, all align towards MTRc having great potential in an increase in value over the coming years, and it is evident that the underlying network does indeed have the potential for a huge and fast growth.

ModulTrade is in phase 1 of its main sale, offering a 25% discount until 12 December. To participate and find out more, visit https://en.modultrade.io/

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