Alice’s and Bob’s Journey with ModulTrade — Act 1 The beginning

3 min readDec 6, 2018


Welcome to the journey of Alice and Bob in 5 acts, from the beginning with ModulTrade up to becoming to fully engaged Trade Agents. This series will show you how to start using ModulTrade products to grow your business or to buy products from all parts of the world.

Act 1: The beginning

Bob is a Bulgarian merchant who owns his own business in Sofia. He sells several handcraft products to locals and tourists. His business is going well and Bob feels ready to expand his market reach to new horizons. Bob start browsing the web to gather information on the possible ways to take his business to the next level. He thinks an e-commerce platform would help him to market his products globally but doesn’t know which one would be the less costly and the more adapted to his situation.

Alice is an ambitious Russian woman with some experience in trading and she is looking for new opportunities. She has always been interested in the potential of new technology and she would like to create value by helping professionals achieve their maximum potential. She would also like to learn about the different practices available and be rewarded financially for her efforts.

Alice and Bob happen to come across ModulTrade website and decide to take a look. Bob sees an online platform that could be used as another channel to sell his products. After investigating their conditions, he discovers that its Value Proposition — using global trade for small businesses to reach their maximum potential- is exactly what he is looking for. There is already an existing community who represents potential buyers or partners for Bob and marketing his products is free of charge.

Alice is also interested in the concept and sees multiple uses of the services. The platform is simple to use and the blockchain technology ensures a safe, quick and transparent transfer of data. When the seller creates a proposal on the marketplace, it is the basis of the smart contract, that is generated when a buyer purchases the product. The Buyer’s deposit is reserved on the smart contract until the product arrives at the destination and then transferred to the seller’s account automatically, ensuring a timely payment for the seller and a legitimate transaction for the buyer.

Alice is also interested in the ecosystem that ModulTrade is building and wants to know more about it.

After browsing MT Market, Bob and Alice decide to register themselves to have their own account, so that they can buy and place products on MT Market. By signing up, they also have automatically created their own MT Wallet, linked to their MT Market account. With the MT Wallet they can check their balance, exchange, and transfer tokens (ETH, BTC andMTRc) to anyone owning a cryptocurrency Wallet in 3 clicks. Bob and Alice have also noticed the MT Academy tab, which contains instructions on how to make the best of ModulTrade services and provide interesting facts on the blockchain industry.

In the next article: Bob learns how to place his products on MT Market and starts selling them on the platform

Got interested? Visit MT Market!




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