How Blockchain will rocket your brand with products authenticity certification

Do your customers want to purchase products and be sure that they buy original?

4 min readMay 16, 2019

Making authenticity a visible, verifiable attribute of your brand’s products goes beyond defending your brand value. Combined with a webshop on the MT Market, it becomes a powerful and inexpensive tool for reaching a wider customer audience globally, building and engaging a community and strengthening your own brand positioning.

Pursuing a marketing strategy aimed at strengthening your brand positioning with blockchain-based certification of authenticity becomes within the reach of every business in ModulTrade ecosystem. Unequivocally proving your product authenticity has become very cost effective — ~0.40 Euro per unit, even less depending on the solution — while building & engaging your buyer community is also very affordable — It can be done completely for free or with a monthly premium subscription plan on the MT Market.

  • Certifying product authenticity is often seen as a defensive action from the $1.8Tn threat plaguing global commerce and e-commerce in particular — counterfeit goods.
  • Besides defending your products and brand, a digital certification of authenticity can be a proactive way for strengthening your brand positioning and for reaching and engaging a wider buyer community globally.

In ModulTrade ecosystem, the cost of providing proof of authenticity to the final buyers has decreased dramatically with blockchain-based certification of authenticity solutions.

  • Such solutions enable everyone with a smartphone to check the product authenticity on the blockchain thanks to a hardware part and a digital asset (a non-fungible crypto token), ultimately creating a special engagement in the final consumer.
  • The hardware part typically is a smart-tag applied on the product unit — on a wine bottle for instance — with an integrity chip and an NFC chip, although other solutions are also available;
  • Each hardware unit is associated with a digital asset (a non-fungible crypto token) on the blockchain to unequivocally prove the authenticity of the product unit it is applied on;
  • With an app, everyone can verify the product authenticity on the blockchain by simply moving their NFC smartphone close to it;
  • This creates a special engagement in the final consumers by improving and augmenting their experience — in the case of the wine bottle, for instance, the uncorking experience is improved and it can also be shared on social media.
  • The combined cost per unit (hardware + digital asset) does not impact significantly on the product margin — ~0.40 Euro per unit, even less depending on the solution — also considering that in many cases the final consumer may be willing to accept a higher price for the higher utility provided by the certification of authenticity — Think about the Chinese market for example, where 40% of the goods sold online are either counterfeit or of poor quality, thus increasing local buyers’ wariness on online offerings and ultimately killing the legitimate online business.
  • Furthermore, the certification of authenticity is a powerful statement of the product’s high quality.

In addition to the low cost of certifying product authenticity, in Modultrade’s ecosystem it is also inexpensive to gain global visibility and to cultivate your own marketing community — it can be done completely for free or with a monthly premium subscription plan on the MT Market.

A business can gain visibility in multiple geographies to new potential customers with a high propensity to spend, experiment with innovation and with high technological skills, simply by opening a webshop on the MT Market, ModulTrade’s blockchain-based marketplace.

A webshop can be set up in a very few clicks, for free or with a monthly premium subscription plan, and it enables a business to:

  • Have its own online store 24/7 and multi-language
  • Easily create its own marketing community
  • Boost content reach and user engagement
  • Establish connections with people, influencers, and many more globally
  • Start selling products even without a banking account
  • With ModulTrade’s media and promo platform, a business can also educate end users and resellers to their product’s innovative features by sharing branded content.

Besides visibility, the MT Market is also an additional very cost-effective trusted sales channel (1–4.5% vs 8–20% of the traditional e-commerce platforms), which

  • comes with escrow services via smart-contracts and with free payments in stable digital currency (A-EUR);
  • makes it easier to cut middlemen and to engage the end buyers directly thanks to its high trust (escrow + proof of authenticity).

For further info on our webshop solution on the MT Market, or just to say hello, contact us at You can also:

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