ModulTrade in Africa, day 1

3 min readJun 11, 2018


Welcome to the MT news from Africa!

During visit to Africa our team (CEO (Evgeny Kaplin) and Co-Founder (Jean Chaanine) has several important meetings with key representatives from different industries. We will share the main highlights and agreements on MT Market & Wallet future development on this continent on daily basis.

Africa is a huge market for digital and blockchain solutions. There are more people with smartphones than with bank accounts. ModulTrade products — MT Market and MT Wallet provide all in one solution for payments and trade through a smartphone.

Our first stop is the largest economy in French-speaking West Africa and the third largest in West Africa — Côte d’Ivoire. Africa welcomed us with nice weather and a hardworking atmosphere. We held two (and we still have two more — we will share the details later) important meetings here today, where we presented our idea and main products.

First we presented MT Wallet and MT Market to Mr Madi OUEDRAODO, CEO of SERFIN and his team (representative of Western Union in Côte d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso).

Online banking is taking over traditional banking all over the world. Opening branches for banks can cost a fortune and can also prove to be ineffective. This fact was first realized by the banks themselves. It motivates them to provide online banking and payments services to their customers via digital channels and social media.

We agreed on adding ModulTrade in their brands to deliver their clients (800 local counters in Cote d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso) and make MT Wallet a tool of choice for money transfer and payment; MT Market will become a SERFIN partner tool for trade for their clients (Micro businesses and SMEs)

We will then engage in connecting ModulTrade and SERFIN networks of clients to open their financial services (e.g. prepaid cards) and to collaborate on both platforms with each other.

After that we headed to Mr Stephane Eholie, CEO of SIMAT, a logistics company. They were interested in our capabilities of carrying out worldwide deliveries in terms of MT Market.

There are more than 70,000 small producers in Africa and more than 18 Bn €+ of export and import flows through the continent. ModulTrade aims to penetrate this market and generate over 100 mln € profit.

We agreed to test ModulTrade ecosystem (MT Market & MT Wallet) with SIMAT clients in summer 2018 with further commercial launch before the end of year 2018

Why do all the organizations need MT Wallet and MT Market?

- All in one solution for digital payments and trade services based on the technology of the future — Blockchain

- Adds Trust to the Trade — Letter of Credit and Escrow secured by blockchain

- No SWIFT required for cross-border payments

- Connects every Businessmen with a Smartphone to financial services and trade

- No Intermediaries (like Rotterdam) to Buy or Sell African goods globally — You can sell to final buyers and have secured payments

Tuesday will be a challenging day, yet full of opportunities.

Stay in touch to check tomorrow’s highlights,

MT team.




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