ModulTrade Is Celebrating Its 2nd Birthday!

3 min readApr 25, 2019


Two years is quite a long time in the life of a startup. That might be especially true in the case of blockchain projects where the survival rate is pretty low — about 92% of them don’t go beyond a 1-year span. In spite of statistics, ModulTrade is alive and well, also featuring a very user-friendly e-wallet, a smart-contract based marketplace and a free knowledge-sharing platform for e-commerce over the blockchain. Also, ModulTrade has been chosen as “Top Payment Solutions Provider to Watch in 2019” by The Technology Era magazine.

Quite a lot happened and have been achieved in the past 24 months. This is not going to be a comprehensive list, but a snapshot of the current state.

ModulTrade provides you with the opportunity to benefit from blockchain technology applications in e-commerce.

  • On MT Market, you can buy a wide range of products from merchants and pay with digital tokens. This year we launched the A-EUR Webshop that is dedicated to A-EUR. The A-EUR integration into MT Ecosystem is the fruit of our cooperation with Augmint, who have developed this stable token that is targeting an exchange rate of 1 with the Euro. MT Market is open for everyone, so you can also open your own webshop with a few clicks for free and start selling immediately. You will be able to accept digital tokens and even credit cards without even having a bank account.
  • We provide learning materials on our free knowledge-sharing platform MT Academy that guides you on the path of establishing a new stream of online income. You can learn about how to make money online with geo-arbitrage and how the MT Ecosystem can help you with achieving that.
  • One of our most popular products is the MT Wallet. This is a free e-wallet to easily and securely store, send and receive value in the form of digital tokens. Besides the most popular ones like Bitcoin and Ethereum, ModulTrade’s own token (MTRc) and the A-EUR stablecoin are also available. And it is free for users to send and receive these two latter with MT Wallet. As A-EUR is a stable token which is easily convertible into fiat money, our solution provides an attractive alternative to current remittance services. Sending value with MT Wallet in the form of A-EUR is fast, easy and very cheap!

Besides these core services, it is also possible for users to get loans in A-EUR instantly and without a credit check. This is also a good solution for those who have invested in ETH. They can use ETH as collateral for loans in A-EUR. This loan amount can be used freely and even converted into fiat money, while waiting for the ETH price to go up.

This was really just a snapshot of what is possible now on the ModulTrade Platform. We are working hard on bringing new solutions and on improving user experience.

If you haven’t tried our solutions yet, then you can register for a free account here. This comes with an MT Wallet and an MT Market account so you can enjoy the advantages of the deep integration of the services.

Try the ModulTrade Platform now!




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