ModulTrade lights the stars — an interview with our intern Marie-Jade

3 min readOct 15, 2018


ModulTrade team consists not only from senior professionals from different industries, but also opens the doors to young specialists from all over the world and offers wide opportunities in working in international trade business. Today we have an interview with our interns — Marie-Jade.

Where do you come from?

From France, Paris

What are your role and missions?

I am an intern which support the business development, legal and marketing teams. I’m in charge of our business development in Africa and Europe.

How long have you been working for ModulTrade?

Since July this year

Why did you choose to join ModulTrade?

I like the opportunity to work in a dynamic high tech international team. The blockchain technology is a promising science which can be used for multiple domains. The small size of ModulTrade team also allows me to participate directly in high value missions and learn how a company grows. It it is exciting to be part of the action, have a real impact and benefit from flexible working methods at the same time.

Were you previously involved in the blockchain industry?

I wasn’t directly involved in the blockchain industry.

What did bring you here?

I learnt about it through different projects from my school program and from friends working with this technology.

How could this experience benefit your career path?

This role brings me real experience in business development, in diverse situations and in project management. I also believe the acquired blockchain knowledge will help me not only in the IT sector but in the future projects I will encounter in diverse industries.

What have you learnt from ModulTrade’s team so far?

Working in a startup is very different than working in a more traditional corporation. I learnt how to adapt to the organizational approach and the different backgrounds of the team members.

What are you most looking forward to learning?

I am looking forward to learn further about complex transnational operations: how to prepare them, which challenges to expect and how to meet them. I also intend to develop my negotiating and sales skills.

What new skills do you feel you’ve learnt or developed?

I learnt a lot about strategy, organization and customer service but also improved my negotiation and sales skills.

What are the values of ModulTrade in which you recognise yourself?

Caring about customers and partners, a global network and team work with employees, partners and customers to achieve objectives, to be inspired by our mission, to be open to unconventional approaches and the entrepreneurial spirit.

What do you like the most about your job?

The chance to work on something different everyday, to work collaboratively in an international team, to learn from my colleagues expertise. I also like to work on high value missions and to frequently receive feedbacks.

What’s your highlight of working with the team so far?

I like using the expertise of each one to propose an adapted solution to our partners and to participate in critical meetings.

What are your long term goals?

I would like to work in strategy in the consulting sector and to help companies to improve their performance with modern technology. I also wish to have a professional position which allows me to interact with individuals with different backgrounds and with an international open minded team.

If you had to describe ModulTrade spirit in 3 words, what would they be?

Entrepreneurship, network and innovation.

Stay tuned,

MT Team




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