ModulTrade Roadmap Update

Value for Product and MTRc

3 min readMar 6, 2018

ModulTrade Team has been busy over the recent weeks to proudly announce our updated roadmap with some interesting upcoming events.

Within the next months, our team will develop three main items of ModulTrade Product which will intensify the usage of MTRc

  • MT4Mining — “All you need for mining”
  • MT Wallet — “Fiat/crypto gateway — Secure & Easy”
  • MT Button — “Trade Finance on the blockchain for Marketplaces”

In parallel MTRc will be listed on well known and reputable exchanges, ModulTrade will partner with market leaders in finance and other industries and will invite Strategic Investor to develop and launch together a new era in global trade.

MT4MINING — Global platform for crypto-mining industry

MT4Mining is our first implementation of the Modultrade core feature. It will provide the Letter of Credit on the blockchain secured with escrow smart contracts for each trade. We consider this specific marketplace as our test subject for the Modultrade core.

People can use the platform for buying and selling mining-related items. In addition, it is possible to buy and sell services complimentary to crypto-mining locally and globally like maintenance, colocation, and consulting.

We will spend a lot of time monitoring the progress of the platform and the needs of the users. In the future, we will be opening up more specific markets. This year we hope to reach over $10million in trades.

ModulTrade Wallet

We will present our own MTRc wallet that will give you the following opportunities:

  • Legitimate crypto/fiat gateway for corporates and individuals
  • Easy cryptocurrency transfer and exchange. Our wallet will support MTRc, BTC, and ETH
  • Easy payment on the ModulTrade marketplace for orders on our platform

By October , we want 10,000 registered users. The beta version of the wallet will be launched several months before.

Plugin MT Button for existing Marketplaces

We are working on a plugin button ‘Trade with ModulTrade’. This allows marketplaces to offer new user experience to its customers — secure trade and payment service on blockchain. Users can buy something on a website using ModulTrade platform functionality. It’s comparable with a PayPal ‘Buy Now’ button. By August, we want to integrate this button in three well-known marketplaces.

MTRc Exchange Listing

Within the next month MTRc will be listed on a well-known and reputable exchange. At the moment of writing, we are in the process of finalizing agreements. And within next 12 months, MTRc will be listed on more top exchanges.

MT Holding in Singapore, Strategic partnership and investor

ModulTrade will serve an Asia-Europe trade flow and will establish a holding company in Singapore to strengthen itself in Asia as well. Within next 6 months, a number of partnerships with market leaders will be established and ModulTrade will engage with a well known strategic investor.

Besides that, we are working hard on the platform itself. We are building relationships with crypto-mining and computer equipment producers, resellers and service providers. At last, we are as well working on defining the legal grounds for trade deals in target countries.

Execution of ModulTrade Roadmap will drive the usage and demand for MTRc. That should lead to a stable MTRc price increase within 2018. Users will start to use MTRc to trade on the platform. New investors will start buying MTRc on the secondary market at exchanges.

We expect a bright future for ModulTrade in 2018 and would like to share the success with our supporters, platform users and investors.

The very Best!

ModulTrade Team




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