MT Webshop — new Buyers communities in digital e-Commerce

AI in Sales and Marketing Support for your Free WebShop and new Buyers communities, Free payments without a bank account, Products Authenticity via Blockchain and many more…

4 min readMay 9, 2019

Opening a webshop for your business on the MT Market is the modern equivalent of opening a boutique, but on a global scale and without the initial investment part. Any business can now reach a wider customer pool globally and strengthen its brand positioning, regardless of its size.

Investing in communities and the human beings within them has often been a winning approach in marketing. ModulTrade has reduced the costs necessary to pursue it, making it affordable for micro and small businesses, as no initial investment is required — It can be done completely for free or with a monthly premium subscription plan on the MT Market.

A business can gain visibility in multiple geographies to new potential customers with a high propensity to spend, experiment with innovation and with high technological skills, simply by opening a webshop on the MT Market, ModulTrade’s blockchain-based marketplace.

A webshop can be set up in a very few clicks, for free or with a monthly premium subscription plan, and it enables a business to:

  • Easily create its own marketing community
  • Boost content reach and user engagement, also via branded contents on the MT Academy, ModulTrade’s
  • Establish connections with people, influencers, and many more globally
  • No banking account is required to set up a webshop and start selling products.

The MT Market, has many active users from its own community of supporters and from the communities of many other blockchain projects (>250k people). Their profile is of educated users open to innovation, with a propension for spending in gifts and for purchasing goods. Such features make them the perfect audience to engage for seeking market validation of your innovative products and for improving your brand visibility globally.

Imagine for instance that your business is about to launch a new, innovative product. Opening a webshop on the MT Market is an excellent solution for building a community of enthusiasts and for spreading brand awareness. In addition, it is also a very cost-effective and trusted sales channel, with innovative features to add value to your product

  • By opening a webshop on the MT Market, you can interact with many blockchain communities (cryptocurrency holders, developers, supporters of blockchain projects, etc.), thus acquiring visibility to a global audience and gaining access to new target markets in new countries to sell your products.
  • You can also gain access to ModulTrade’s media and promo platform, to educate your end users and resellers to your product’s innovative features by sharing your branded content.
  • For the utmost visibility, you could also launch an initial special “blockchain” collection of your product, sold on the blockchain only, which could be accompanied by special features, like a digital certification of authenticity, enabling anyone to check product authenticity and provenance with a simple gesture on their smartphones; besides creating a special engagement of the end users — whose new experience will also be shared on the social networks — the certification of authenticity is a powerful statement of your product’s high quality.
  • Besides visibility, the MT Market is also a very cost-effective trusted sales channel (1–4.5% vs 8–20% of the traditional e-commerce platforms), which comes with escrow services via smart-contracts and with free payments in stable digital currency (A-EUR); with high trust (escrow + proof of authenticity) it becomes easier to cut middlemen and to engage the end buyers directly.

In the future, AI conversational commerce solutions will also be available to further help businesses cultivate their marketing community on the MT Market, ultimately boosting sales and brand loyalty

  • AI driven solutions will enable businesses to automatically create all the conversation patterns needed to provide a rich and engaging experience to their audience.
  • In this way, it will become easier for businesses to establish a direct line with their community via messaging apps, like Telegram of Facebook Messenger
  • This can add value to every part of the customer journey, ranging from when a customer makes their first order to answering a product-related question instantly.

For further info on our webshop solution on the MT Market, or just to say hello, contact us at You can also:

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