1 min readJan 27, 2018


The ModulTrade team has received a number of requests from ModulTrade community members who:

  • Were not able to contribute during rin the last few days due to an overload of the ModulTrade Token Distribution site
  • Have not been able to finalise purchases of crypto (ETH or BTC) by 27th of January to participate in ModulTrade Token Distribution

Therefore to support the community and to provide:

  • ModulTrade community members with an ability to fulfill purchases and participate in the ModulTrade Token Distribution
  • Parity, equal rights and benefits for all ModulTrade community members.

Our team has decided to extend the contribution period for ALL ModulTrade community members for another 3 days — until end of 30th of January. https://en.modultrade.io/

If you have any further questions on the extension or the raise or some of our recent announcements and partnerships, please reach out to the team on the Telegram channel: https://t.me/ModulTradeIO so we can advise you.
#tokensale #ico #tradingplatform #smartcontracts #cryptocurrency




Democratizing Global trade with Blockchain technology. Chat with us on Telegram https://t.me/ModulTradeIO. Website https://modultrade.com/.