Use Stable Coins in Your MT Wallet!

2 min readFeb 27, 2019


ModulTrade and Augmint have been working together to revolutionise e-commerce. As the next step on this road, we are excited to announce that Augmint’s first digital stable token is now available in MT Wallet! Users can easily and securely accept and send A-EUR in their MT Wallet for free!

ModulTrade and Augmint have joined their efforts to create the new generation of an e-commerce platform that provides secure end-to-end solutions and that is available for everyone. As an important first step, ModulTrade has integrated Augmint’s first digital stable token, A-EUR into its MT Wallet. A-EUR is targeting a 1:1 exchange rate with EUR and thus makes it easier for token users to address price volatility issues while benefiting from digital tokens that can be used for blockchain transactions. MT Wallet users can now easily send and receive A-EUR for free with the help of their wallet.

Introducing stable tokens in the e-commerce landscape is a critical step. One great barrier for small merchants that prevent them from benefiting from blockchain solutions is the price volatility of digital tokens. Stable tokens provide effective tools for addressing this issue. That is why ModulTrade is working hard on bringing these tools to its users by integrating them into the MT Ecosystem.

The next step in this process will be to make it easier for users to obtain A-EUR without leaving their MT Wallet. Easy access will greatly help the adoption of the token and as a major step, we will make it possible to use them on MT Market for purchasing goods.

Follow us on this exciting journey! Don’t have an MT Wallet yet? Create one for free!




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