Why The Trade Will Never Be The Same Again?

The World’s First Secure Webshop with stable digital currency — the A-EUR — is Opening Soon on the MT Market!

3 min readMar 12, 2019

In March 2019 ModulTrade and Augmint will present the “A-EUR WebShop” on a platform for secure and cost-effective trade via Stable Digital Token — A-EUR (~1:1 to EUR)

ModulTrade recently integrated the A-EUR stable token into its digital wallet, the MT Wallet. Another huge milestone will be reached shortly when the A-EUR Shop will open its digital doors on the MT Market. Being the first of its kind by offering blockchain-based security level for e-commerce without typical price volatility issues of crypto tokens, this webshop will serve as a great example of the latest generation of e-commerce technology and will demonstrate to buyers and sellers how they can benefit from it.

The A-EUR Shop will be built on a blockchain platform for secure and cost-effective trade where you can pay for goods with the A-EUR stable digital token.

You can buy and sell goods securely at minimum costs:

  • Buyers can pay in A-EUR for Free in the MT Wallet
  • Buyers’ money will be secured by smart-contracts until the goods are delivered
  • Sellers can accept payments in stable currency without opening a bank account

In a few days, ModulTrade will unveil the latest addition to the MT Market, its smart contract-based next-generation e-commerce platform. A-EUR Shop will be a real breakthrough as this webshop will be dedicated to A-EUR which is a stable token designed and created by Augmint. ModulTrade and Augmint have been working together to bring their state-of-the-art trade solutions to the community.

Where and how to exchange A-EUR into Crypto or Fiat money?

  • At MrCoin to sell A-EUR and get EUR on your own banking account
  • At Augmint to exchange A-EUR for ETH
  • In the MT Wallet to buy A-EUR via Bank Card or exchange in BTC/ETH/MTRc

The appearance of A-EUR Shop also means that the A-EUR token will be integrated into the MT Market and that it could, therefore, be used as a payment instrument in the marketplace. Merchants can choose to accept the token and buyers can decide to pay for goods with A-EUR. Being a stable coin targeting an exchange rate of 1:1 with euro, A-EUR will bridge a big gap in the usability of blockchain-based networks for users.

How can you obtain money to buy goods or for something else?

  • You can take a loan in A-EUR against a collateral in ETH (Stay in your ETH position in the meanwhile) at Augmint and soon directly in the MT Wallet

Until now, price volatility of digital tokens has proven to be a barrier for the wide acceptance of such networks using crypto tokens in an everyday commercial way. ModulTrade’s MT Market will be the first marketplace that offers blockchain-level security with the ease of trading in usual currencies, like the Euro.

A-EUR WebShop — first of its kind while who is next?

Take your chance — Participate in €1 Auction and 50% Discount Sales

  • to reward first buyers at A-EUR WebShop, special Sales for cool staff, as well as Auctions with starting price €1 will be arranged

In the next announcement, we will tell you about new exciting features that we are developing to power up small businesses to take their trade activity to the next level.

Stay tuned for the latest news!

Do you want to be among the first users who have access to 50% Discount Sales and €1 Auction at A-EUR WebShop?

Register MT Account now!




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