Still Debriefing a Pandemic

4 min readApr 28, 2023


Happy Friday :D,

I remember last year thinking… welp okay, recession is here and it’s going to take until summer of 2023 for anything to rebound. Then we dumped through the second half of 2022 we ended the year “down bad mate”. (I remained optimistic and bullish)… Now allegedly that recession never happened and it’s now scheduled for the second half of 2023 (some how I am still very optimistic and bullish).

Arguably, the word trust has taken a beating over the last few years. So much so, that we have made trustless technology and zero-trust proofs.

Well because… I don’t trust you… I dont trust you *points to* CDC/WHO/Media/Facebook/etc. etc. yadda yadda *insert worldly untrusted identity*, therefore I want to trust this handy dandy robot that has mathematical proofs in it. It fits nicely in my pocket and it gives me a great source of internal doping via dopamine. I like it and I need it.

The computer and the digitalization of everything was life saving technology over the pandemic so I trust it to a degree… yet over that same time the learning function of this compute tool got pretty good. The ALGO

If you didn’t know about algorithms before the pandemic, you probably do now. As the pandemic took place, we started to use data… a LOT of data. At a historical rate we used data to live, work, play and we entrenched the digital tools into our Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The water fountains were turned off and the WiFi was turned on!

The technologies that would have probably taken until 2030 to come online, are now necessary to stay alive. Except, because we sped up that ‘data process’, we outran the legal restrictions and enabled the technology capabilities that are ambiguous and undefined. No wonder the Cyber Security Technology field is sky-rocketing.

I think this is why the older admin are lost in the sauce, we’re playing catch up still to the tools that we’re only suppose to come ‘online’ 2030. Artificial Intelligence as I knew it in my computer science classes was A*, a learning algorithm that used trigonometry and a scoring metric to make a probabilistic guess. Now AI is being used to trick the Federal Reserve Chairman into debriefing the state of the economy to Russia.

Dang, this tooling is dangerous and corrupt huh? No anon, we’re just living through a new normal. But don't take my word for it:

Book by Ray Dalio: Principles dealing with the changing world order

Book by Neil Howe and William Strauss: The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy — What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny

Book by Peter Zeihan: The End of the World Is Just the Beginning

(I got bored writing here…. so I’ll let the algo bot finish it up)

“While the rapid advancement of technology and the use of data may have caused some concerns and challenges, it has also brought about unprecedented opportunities for progress and growth. As we continue to navigate this new normal, it is important to recognize the potential of these tools and technologies to drive innovation, improve efficiency, and enhance our lives in countless ways. By embracing a mindset of adaptability and resilience, we can establish a new modus operandi that harnesses the power of these tools while also addressing any ethical and security concerns. With the right approach, we can build a brighter future that leverages technology for the benefit of all.”

— My trained Chat Generative Pre-Trained conversation using my biological operating system to teach the compute operating system based on some trigonometric scoring experience from college….

Thank you for reading ! Maybe I’ll load this conversation into a robot-ai-ChatGPT-video editor soon and give you a reel on it

❤ MO




Probably Nothing | Christian/Retired Special Operations Pilot | AMA | Art by DW3