Treasure Cave: How To Play Guide

A Path to Financial Mastery in Mogaland!

4 min readAug 16, 2023

To our passionate learners, dedicated explorers, and everyone who feels the thrill of taking on a challenge — welcome to the “Treasure Cave” in Mogaland.

Treasure Cave

What’s The Goal?: The Quest for the Ultimate Treasure

  • Gain XP
  • Earn Golds
  • Win Gears

At the core of the game is a simple yet captivating premise: players venture towards a tantalizing treasure chest, with their progress determined by their prowess in answering financial questions. However, the journey isn’t just about A-to-B; it’s about making strategic decisions to determine the very nature of your adventure.

Why Treasure Cave?

Designed especially for those among us who yearn for progress, learning, creativity, and for the pure joy of discovery, this game promises to quiz your knowledge and fill those idle moments with adventure, strategy, and valuable financial skills.

For our players — those who appreciate clarity, specificity, and immediate results — this game is designed to resonate. It speaks to those driven by productivity, learning, and mastering new arenas. By eliminating elements like the dreaded “pay to win,” and by continuously introducing new features and events, “Treasure Cave” keeps the experience refreshing and engaging. Moreover, it’s not just about personal progress; you can bring family and friends into the mix, turning solo quests into team adventures.

How To Play?

Step 1: Choose Your Battle, Build Your Legacy

Four categories will challenge your wit:

  1. Investing
  2. Trading
  3. Pop Culture
  4. Personal Finance
Treasure Cave — Category Selection

Step 2: Choose Your Path

As your ELO score increases in each category, brace yourself — the challenges become more intricate, diving into advanced financial topics. But fret not! Whether you answer right or wrong, the game offers insights, guiding you to the right path and ensuring continuous learning.

Path Selection Screen

When you dive into a category, you will be able to see different paths you can follow. Each path has it’s own challenges, so you have to choose according to your strategy and goal; just like personal finance itself!

Step 3: Choose Your Enemies, Reap Rewards

Your journey will pit you against foes of varying difficulty levels, from the 5 HP Easy Enemy to the formidable 20 HP Hard Enemy. Your success against these adversaries depends on your knowledge and the strategic decisions you make.

And remember, with greater risks come more enticing rewards, pushing you towards higher XP, enhanced chest rewards, and the euphoria of achievement.

Step 4: Gears and Boosters

As the game advances, gears play an indispensable role. Amplify your HP, bolster your defense, and enhance your attack power, ensuring you’re well-equipped for the questions and enemies that lie ahead.

There are boosters that you can use along the way, when you feel like you need a hand. You can choose one of the following by watching short ads:

  1. Heal +25 HP
  2. Remove an incorrect answer
  3. Change the question

Step 5: Risk, Revive, Repeat

In those moments when you falter, Mogaland offers a chance at redemption. Players can opt to invest gold for revival or return to the category overview and strategize anew. But remember, after five revivals, it’s back to square one. Strategy is paramount!

So, Mogalanders, the dungeon beckons! With Treasure Cave, your journey toward mastering the financial realm has never been more exciting. Arm yourself with curiosity, collaborate with fellow adventurers, and let’s make financial learning the thrilling quest it truly is!

Co-creating the quiz universe with upcoming updates, new categories will emerge, expanding your horizons even further. Plus, community engagement is at the heart of Mogaland. Players, including YOU, can contribute questions, earn rewards, and even enjoy the spotlight with special mentions within the game.

Remember, in Mogaland, every challenge is an opportunity, every question a stepping stone, and every victory a testament to your ever-growing financial acumen. Dive in, and let’s embark on this grand adventure together!

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Mogaland is the most immersive game-based financial literacy learning platform ever made!