Anatomy of a Hidden Gem in the Blockchain World — Cashaa a discovery

Anthony Gonsalves
2 min readMay 11, 2018


So what are the characteristics associated with a hidden gem in the crypto world. I will detail some of the criteria and name a project Cashaa which fits the criteria to the T. So here we go.

1. The company vision is Gem worthy. Here I mean the company should be addressing some real and worthy problem that every day users, be they individuals or the companies face. Cashaa vision is to become the banking platform for not just the banked world population but also the unbanked. More than one sixth of world population is unbanked. Cashaa platform will try to get them various financial services. The possibilities after these unbanked are provided these services are limitless and only limited by the imagination of the person or company building on top of Cashaa infrastructure. Don’t want to bore readers with all the details here. You can browse to get the vision.

2. The token price is significantly low. A hidden gem by definition means it should be hidden i.e. not much hype. Right now Cashaa has very little hype. And maybe that’s why its token price is meandering in a tight range. Maybe that’s why those who know Cashaa are fearful. But as Warren Buffet said one should be fearful when others are greedy and one should be greedy when others are fearful. So should one be greedy about all low priced tokens. Of course no. And that’s when the team behind the project comes in.

3. As mentioned above a hidden gem must be gem. One factor of a gem is the vision itself. Another equally important part of being a gem is the team that is executing the vision. And here Cashaa stands out head and shoulders above most other companies. Kumar Gaurav, CEO is a world acclaimed expert in blockchain even recognized by US government with Extraordinary Status. Numerous partnerships have been formed. The project is ready to roll.

This hidden gem won’t remain hidden for long. The project seem to be on time and it means very soon more and more people will discover this gem and then off it goes. Then don’t blame me that I didn’t tell you guys about Cashaa :-)

