Artificial Intelligence; An Evolutionary Technology.

Mohaimin Ghani K.
5 min readAug 20, 2022


The topic of Life and Intelligence has always been notoriously conversational for us. It is undeniable that God has blessed only Humans with both of these supreme powers.

But, After going through this tremendous technological advancement. Humans are ready to share this intelligence with machines. Can it be good? Can it be beneficial? Should we hand over this great ability to some emotionless objects?

Today, We are here to discuss How Ai can bring change in our society and why I think it’s an Evolutionary Technology. This topic can be very broad but I’ve summarized it for the most part. So keep reading!

What’s New About Artificial Intelligence?

In Easy words, Artificial Intelligence is a development of a brain-like system. This system can collect and process data just like our brain. After that, it gives reactions to the stimulus.

The term was formed in the 1950s but it took its place with advancements in the field of computer science.

Artificial Intelligence is now a very engrossing topic for many people. AI is drastically building a good reputation in different workplaces and companies. It’s easy to ensure that this technology can be Evolutionary and fruitful for our future.

Besides that, what makes it so special? Ready to know. Here are some advantages that are going to change your mind about Ai.

Advantages Of AI technology.

Ai is rapidly evolving and becoming more advanced with the passage of time. Although the time it took very less time to show the world, How significant it can be.

There’s no denying that in the upcoming future we will witness many major improvements. Also, These learning machines will definitely create great improvement in almost every field.

As Ai is becoming stronger with day-to-day advancements in technology. Here is a small list of advantages where it delivers incredible significance to the world.

  1. Industrial Benefits.
  2. Clinical Benefits.
  3. Resolving Crimes.
  4. Becoming A Personal Assistant.

let’s talk about each of these topics and check the possibilities for improvements at it.

1. Industrial Benefits.

Artificial intelligence can be quite very transformative in the case of industries. AI technology has a huge potential for making any industry more profitable. It can deliver

  • More innovative product.
  • Quicker Response.
  • Safety precautions And Job satisfaction.
  • Enhanced Quality of Product.
  • Easily Address Faults in Products.

1. As for a machine that can work tirelessly, this can be good for both industries and for customers. Ai can be used to ensure job satisfaction and the happiness of customers.

2. Ai can take good care of any repetitive and boring tasks. It lacks expressions, so we can make it work on any task for an unlimited amount of time.

3. Another great factor that Ai offers is it frees humans from heavy and dangerous tasks. It provides comfort and relief by meeting all the aspects of a high-standard product.

4. Another cool feature of Ai is that it can check any major to a minor fault in the production of any product. This technology can easily address the fault at the right. So that it can be fixed in the earlier developmental stages.

So, I guess that you have got my idea of how significant it can be for businesses and industries.

2. Clinical Benefits.

The Ai technology can be very fruitful for health care or clinical department. From diagnosing chronic diseases to the treatment of diseases, AI can be helpful. There are endless opportunities for us to leverage this technology for the benefit of mankind.

Ai can be valuable to make healthcare more precise, efficient, and impressive for patient care. Ai has a lot of potential over traditional analytics and healthcare decision techniques. It is more prominent and effective in finding a cure for any disease.

Here of some improvements, we can expect from Ai.

  • Impressive Radio Tools and Ultra Sounds.
  • More effective Antibiotics.
  • Effective treatments Of Cancer.
  • Advanced Predictions to Heart Attacks and other Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Creation of Mind Reading Machines.
  • Creation of a Phone App that helps to reduce the risk of disease.

From the use of Ai, we can assure all the afore-mentioned points. Scientists are working and researching to make all these ideas more possible for now. The creation of such useful Ai machines powered by advanced algorithms and useful analytical data is important. As it can help doctors to predict any disease more effectively.

3. Resolving Crimes.

From Now on you don’t need a superhero to solve your crime. As superheroes are very busy these days making new sequels to their movies. But fear not, the AI crime fight is here to save the day.

Industries and Business companies are known for using AI to detect frauds and crimes. Especially Banks are using such technology to overcome fake invoices and money laundering.

Also, AI has been used more at the traffic signals to find out the one who is breaking traffic rules. Now on, Ai can easily find a vehicle that involves breaking laws in traffic.

Other than that, Japan is using Ai to catch criminals. As it becomes problematic for the police to chase a thief, a company from japan Fujitsu is thinking way ahead.

To reduce the chance of failure to catch a thief. They have introduced an Ai system to overcome this problem. Which can easily catch and predict the next move of criminals.

4. Personal Assistant.

Nowadays, Ai has become a personal assistant. This means they react to your commands. For example, if you want to find a flight, just ask google assistant. It’ll find and arrange a flight without your help.

Alexa, Bixby, and Siri are some other popular Ai Assistants. All of these can understand your natural voice command and can react according to your needs.

These assistants are capable to perform simple tasks. Some of them include messaging, searching on a browser, putting an alarm on the clock, finding hotels or flights, and many other related tasks.

You can use Ai assistant to block adult content from all social media sites for your child. So Now, you don’t need to look after your child every time.

All assistants take your commands while looking up to your privacy. People throughout the world are using them as they are quite interesting.

The future of these assistants can be more overwhelming.

The Bottom Line.

There’s no denying that Ai will become more productive and cognitive in the future. This means it will decide a lot of our decisions without our interference.

This can be good in most cases. But it’ll be better if we keep it under control.

As it can make people lazier and more dependent. Other than that, this technology is outstanding in many places.

I hope you find it interesting.

