Diary Entry

2 min readJul 16, 2021


Diary Entry Format:-
· Date and Day
· Time (Optional)
· Salutation
· Content
· First Name or Signature

Example :
Write a diary entry about the first day of school, after the school reopens. Imagine all is well now and coronavirus has been eradicated.

16th July 2021
5:30 pm
Dear Diary,

Guess what happened today?? I went to school today!!. I’m excited to tell you how my day went…

I woke up at 6:00 AM and got ready by 7:00 AM. My bus arrived at 7:45 AM, I hurried towards my apartment main gate. Inside the bus, I met my best friend and we were chatting nineteen to dozen!. I did feel a little weird and nervous…it felt weird to be with so many people at once! My teachers were beaming towards everyone. At school, we (me and my best friend) went to our classroom. I saw so many of my classmates sitting, very few were wearing masks(I wasn’t). I explored my classroom and patiently waited for the teacher to arrive. The teachers were a little lenient today, I didn’t get homework today. I felt time slipping so fast! After some time it was already time to go home.

Okay Diary, that’s it for today…I gotta go play now.
B.F.N (Bye for Now)

Hey guys!
I’m open to suggestions on what I should do on my blog!
Stay tuned for more new exciting things!!

