Six Ways You Can Serve The Society

Moira R. Tran
2 min readJun 28, 2017


Let us learn some of the ways by which we can serve the society.

There is not a single way to serve the society and mankind. Be it to volunteer at local animal shelter or donate clothes to poor, every deed is a contribution to mankind.

Here are some of ways by which society can be served.

Give clothes away

With every passing year, loads of clothes and many more things we don’t wear any more increases in our house. Chances are very high that there are several apparels and footwear; we haven’t worn for a very long time. Spare some time and collect these pieces. Grab all the old clothes from you closet and armoires and give them to needy people.

Support special needs adoption

At present, society has become quite sensible for the adoption of children. However, not every child is blessed with a sound health and mind. There are several children with special circumstances. Don’t they deserve a proper care and protection? Increase awareness about special needs adoption in society and make others around you aware of it.

Volunteer for a local food bank

Food banks do a noble work of supplying food for homeless shelters and needy children. They often need a number of helping hands to do the work. By becoming a volunteer of a local food bank, you can contribute for a good cause.

Work for a good cause

Is there anything you are passionate about? You can work for a good cause and get associated with it. For example, if you care for AIDS or world poverty, by visiting their official websites you can get involved. You just have to follow several options given in the website. You may also write letter to the representatives associated with these programs.


If you want to work on a bigger platform, you can get associated with any NGO. From breast cancer research to make a humane society, there are several NGOs who work incessantly to raise money through their hard work. Keep yourself open for any such opportunities. Besides, you can also encourage your friends to join you in this noble deed.

Teach to poor students

You can easily locate such a school nearby which provides free education to slum or poor children. You can teach according to your schedule.

Conclusion — There are thousand ways to do some good work for the society. You just need to take a step.

