Why Should More People Start Adopting Babies today’s Time?

Moira R. Tran
3 min readMar 29, 2017


He is learning all kinds of new things like how to say “Mom,” & “Dad.” And this probably would not be possible if there wasn’t a deed called ‘Adoption,’ especially when it comes to orphan children.

A countless number of children are left devoid of love and care as their life becomes meaningless without the gift of God called ‘Parents.’ Also, there are many parents who remain alone with the gift of God called ‘Kids.’ So, it is a situation where both need each other. However, despite the need, people are not inclined to adopt babies. Not all couples consider adoption a solution; rather it seems easy to create children than adopt one.

Everyone has own views and concepts, where some of them are friendly to ears and some not. With all these concepts, it is easy to have confusions. So, just to avoid all, this article has been drafted to tell people why they should go for an adoption. It is a wonderful decision and can turn out to be life-altering if you take in positive ways.

There are few concrete reasons to go for adoption in today’s time. Let us read those in the following lines.

Help a Child for a Better Life

Many children come to adoption roofs from tough backgrounds, while some from poor backgrounds. They may have been left by the unfit parents or abandoned or may be orphaned. These reasons could be a negative impact on their lives, causing wrong development and mindset. So, people can adopt such children according to their special needs and present a better life to the underprivileged. This could make their life good with prosperity and result in the proper development of their mindsets. The world can be a better place with more humans who are brought up with love and care.

Help a Child in Need

If a person knows a child is in need of home, shelter, food, or other things, he/she can adopt one rather than keeping a distance. This is basic humanity. If you have the means to adopt a child, why not? Extending a helping hand will make your life more fulfilled.

True Love for Children

Some people just love children, no matter who they are and what background they belong to. There is no other reason than only wanting a child. So, such people should go for adoption compiling a family without creating one. Special needs adoption, i.e. adopting children with special medical, developmental, psychological or emotional needs is a great way to complete your family. It allows you to actually love children who need your love the most. True parental love bridges the gap between minds, geographies and what not.

It is true: Many current adoptive families have found adoption the best thing that one can do in a lifetime. The lives of such parents changed irrevocably in better ways. There are many more heartfelt adoption stories to read.

So, if you are thinking or considering adoption, start the process with the thought that ‘I should adopt’ rather why should I adopt’ and contribute your bit to a build better world.

