3 Cool Ways to Ease Up on Yourself

Stop punishing yourself for failing to do things that were never yours to do.

Moira Shepard
3 min readMay 13, 2021


Woman blowing dandelion
Photo by Havilah Galaxy on Unsplash

Nothing wrecks your confidence like feeling that you’ve failed at something. When you beat yourself up for past mistakes or missteps, it’s hard to find the will, time, or energy to move in the direction of your dreams.

You feel defeated before you start.

I hate to see that happen because you deserve better. You deserve a life of joy and meaning.

So, here’s a thought:

Consider letting yourself off the hook.

Many things you believe you failed to do were never your job to begin with.

You’re not here to control yourself. You’re here to express the love that you are.

You’re not here to fix other people. They chose their own path. Respect their choice.

You’re not here to control life. You’re here to make the most of it.

Maybe it’s time to stop shaming yourself for failing to control things that are beyond your control.

You have been doing your best every single day of your life. No one can ask more of you, not even God.

So, how about easing up on yourself?

Here are 3 cool ways to get started

Celebrate a Success — Recall a significant accomplishment and celebrate it. Have you outlined a book … made a new friend … or completed a project you’ve worked on for several weeks or months? How awesome is that? Give yourself 60 seconds to bask in the glow of achieving something worthwhile.

Get Clear — Have you tried without success to start, finish, or change something? Ask your inner wisdom, “Is this task mine to do? If it is, how can I do it with ease and grace? If it’s not, what should I focus on instead?” Follow the guidance and see what happens. You may be astonished.

Accept Yourself as You Are — I know, that may sound like crazy talk. But what if there is nothing wrong with you? What would it take for you to see your perfection and wholeness as I see it?

As you start making peace with yourself and your past, your confidence begins to blossom.

It gets easier — even more fun — to take action on things that are important to you.

Once you get your momentum going, keep it up by doing one thing that will take you closer to your goal every day.

That’s how you create abundance — one inspired action at a time.

What accomplishment do you feel like honoring yourself for achieving? Please share it in the comments, so I can honor you, too.

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I’m all about helping you to develop the confidence you need to succeed. Start by picking up my top three tips for confidence on the fly at www.FreeConfidenceTips.com

Thank you for subscribing to my content. Use it to build up faith in yourself so you can share yourself and your talents with confidence — and have fun doing it!

Revised from posts originally published on my blog at http://confidencehereandnow.blog on May 13, 2021.



Moira Shepard

I’m all about helping you to develop the confidence you need to share your message and make a difference. Get my top 3 tips at www.FreeConfidenceTips.com