Win the morning, win the day

Moleskine Journey
3 min readOct 24, 2022


5 tips to start your morning with the right energy to spread your creativity

Most people suffer anxiety and stress upon waking up in the morning, before opening their eyes. It’s such a bad feeling to feel overwhelmed and without energy before starting your day, and it is even more frustrating if your to-do list is very full.

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This happened to me a lot of times. Since I really wanted to enjoy my day and reach the goals I had set, I have started studying how to overcome these bad feelings.

Here is what I’ve learned.

  1. Set up your alarm early in the morning (but not too early) to have space for doing your morning routine with calm, before you start your working day. I like to have my alarm set up at 07:00 a.m.
  2. Get off the bed as soon as the alarm rings. Do not postpone: this will be the first win of your day, and will set your attitude for the rest of the day.
  3. Do something that makes you feel good in a relatively short time. As soon as I wake up, I love to have a shower and go out for a short walk to my favourite coffee place, where I can get a hot drink while setting up my goals for the day. It takes me 10 minutes at maximum, but it gives me plenty of happiness and inspiration. In our community there are many who love to do relaxed yoga practices or read a book before starting the day.
  4. Get inspired. Another good is to look for some author or podcast you like the night before and listen to it as you start your day. This is such a more positive way to set your mood instead of checking social media or the news.
  5. Write. It doesn’t matter if it is on paper or on digital devices, just write. Fill at least five rows with your thoughts and emotions, without thinking too much about it. In the “mindfulness journal”, you will find the questions I consider more useful to direct my day, such as “What are the most inspiring challenges for today”, “What I will focus on today?”, “What are my super powers to overcome negative emotions”?
    N.B.: if you’re a Journey user tap here to create your first mindfulness journal.

This is the strategy I adopted to cope with negative emotions in the morning. As we are all different, it might not work for you. So, my last advice is to try different routines until you find the perfect one.

I am actually very curious to know how you start your day. If you want, comment with your own strategy, so I can learn and write another mini post with all the best suggestions from our community.

If you’re looking for ways to create positive habits and support your personal evolution check out our apps for iOS and macOS: Moleskine Journey — the limitless journal, and Moleskine Balance — Goals, Habits, and Visual timeboxing.



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