Who Are Moley Robotics and Why We Will Change Your Future

Introducing The Moley Robotic Kitchen Chef

Moley Robotics
Published in
7 min readJun 9, 2016


What do we do?

Imagine dishes from top Michelin-starred restaurants, cooked by a master chef in your own kitchen — whenever you want.

Moley Robotics has created the world’s first fully-automated and integrated intelligent cooking robot. It learns recipes, prepares and cooks them and clears up after itself. It’s like having every master chef in the world on hand in your kitchen, ready to cook fabulous dishes at your command.

Our plan is to offer a digital library of recipes from around the world.

Your Moley will create dishes for you or even teach you how to make them. You can share your own favourite recipes with Moley, too. Consumers and professional chefs alike will be able to demonstrate, share and sell their own recipes via the digital library platform.

Select your menu remotely, then let Moley take over — so you can arrive home to a delicious meal that’s exactly what you want, when you want it, cooked to perfection. Hassle-free and effortless. All you have to do is enjoy.

Peers, professionals and consumers voted the Moley Robotic Kitchen ‘Best of the Best’ at the Consumer Electronics Show in Shanghai in May 2015, beating the likes of Audi, IBM and Samsung. Moley has been heralded in the press, too. From March 2015 to January 2016, Moley was featured in many media outlets including The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg News, CNN and the BBC. In just 10 days in January 2016, one clip about Moley on Business Insider received over 6.5 million hits.

Who created this and why?

Mark Oleynik, Founder & CEO, Moley Robotics

Moley Robotics was founded in 2014 by London-based computer scientist, robotics and healthcare innovator Dr. Mark Oleynik. Mark Oleynik is the CEO of the company. Moley has delivered a successful prototype and is now commencing work on developing a production model for launch in 2018.

The company’s aim is to produce technologies that address basic human needs and improve day-to-day quality of life. The Robotic Kitchen is its first product.

‘How can I have any delicious food at home that I want at any time? That’s how I’ve invented the Moley robotic kitchen,’ says Mark Oleynik.

Moley Robotics Kitchen is supplied complete with appliances, cabinetry, safety features, computing and robotics.

What is the technology behind Moley Robotics?

Source: Moley Robotics

Two highly complex, fully articulated hands comprise the kitchen’s enabling technology. With ability to faithfully reproduce the movements of a human hand, they give the Kitchen the capability to cook anything a human chef can. This goes to the heart of the design philosophy underpinning this technology.

The Moley Robotic Kitchen does not cook like a machine — it captures human skill in motion.

Tim Anderson, culinary innovator and winner of the prestigious BBC Master Chef competition (2011) played an integral role in the kitchen’s development. He first developed a dish that would test the systems capabilities — a crab bisque — and was then 3-D recorded in a special studio cooking it. Every motion and nuance was captured, from the way Tim stirred the liquids to the way he controlled the temperature of the hob. His actions were then translated into digital movement using bespoke algorithms created with the collaboration between Moley and teams from Shadow Robotics (UK), Universities of Stanford (USA) and The Sant ‘Anna School of Advanced Studies Pisa (Italy). The robot doesn’t just cook like Tim — in terms of skill, technique and execution it is Tim producing the dish.

Chef Tim Anderson tries crab bisque prepared by the robot. Moley Robotics.

This motion-capture technique will be used to generate an ever-growing digital library of recipes for the Moley Kitchen to cook. User-friendly motion-capture and translation systems will allow consumers and professionals alike to record and share their recipes on an a digital library across multiple markets.

This will not only provide fantastic utility for the users, it will actively promote interest in high quality food and international cuisine.

As The Economist newspaper commentated: “the service…will let a user select not only a dish but also its creator — in effect bringing a virtual version of a celebrity chef into the user’s house to cook it for him.”

The recorded recipe can be cooked by robotic kitchen an unlimited amount of times, featuring a ‘human IP’ that can be transmitted through the generations. As Mark Oleynik says: “Imagine your grandmother’s dish that you love. Now you can have it cooked by the robot anytime you want. And also your great -grand children can watch the ‘grandmother’ preparation and taste the same dish. I think it’s a nice option to save family traditions for the future generations, isn’t it? ”

Once the recipe is chosen, pre-portioned ingredients will be delivered at home, so user will only need to place them onto the special containers in the kitchen for robot to begin cooking.

Ease of use is fundamental to the Moley approach and careful consideration has gone into the ‘human — machine interaction’.

The design, by an international team including Sebastian Conran, DYSEGNO and the Yachtline company, is modern and attractive without being too ‘science fiction’ or unfamiliar. Being modular it can be configured to fit regular kitchen spaces in a wide variety of homes worldwide and the fitments (hob, sink, refrigerator, dishwasher) are of professional quality.

The robot chef moves at human speed, rather than that of a machine. This helps users connect with and enjoy the system: it does not feel like a piece of industrial technology or threatening artificial intelligence.

The kitchen can also be used by human cooks when required — with the robotic arms folding away out of sight to present a clean, ergonomic workspace with utensils shaped for a human hand. The system can even be used as a teaching aid — showing users how to prepare a recipe far more effectively than a book or video.

As the Moley Kitchen cooks perfectly every time, food waste will be reduced and, by providing a viable alternative to ready meals, it could also reduce our dependence on pre-packaged food: highly manufactured items requiring a great deal of energy intensive processing, packaging and transport.

How big is the market?

The Moley Robotic Kitchen is designed to be a mass-market proposition.

By 2021, the company hopes to sell Moley for $35,000 — comparable to average sums spent on kitchen refurbishment.

This creates a potential market of 5,95 million homes in 17 countries. Moley has been approached by some of the world’s biggest property developers, keen to install the technology in the homes they are building, which will accelerate the early adoption process. Major restaurant chains, hotels and airline catering firms have also expressed great interest in the Kitchen — presenting further opportunities to embed and develop robot technology.

What is the plan for the future?

First of all, read here what our CEO Mark Oleynik says about the nearest future. We’re making 2% shares in Moley Robotics available to the public, via the Seedrs crowd funding site. Second, a series of funding rounds are planned over the next two years to complete the technology programme, prepare for launch and accelerate roll-out. $3.5M has already been invested by the founder, his family and friends, together with partner participation with in-kind investment and development.

“It is not just a labour-saving device — it is a platform for our creativity. It can even teach us how to become better cooks”, says Mark Oleynik, Founder & CEO.

How can you get involved?

This part is easy. You are already following us on Medium, right? Sign up to our newsletter to read all the latest company news. Explore our website. As we mentioned above, check out our upcoming crowd funding campaign on Seedrs.com. Become a member of our growing community. Follow us on Twitter, talk to us on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Finally, if you have any questions or you would like to write a nice note, send it to info@moley.com.

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Moley Robotics

Meet Moley, The First World’s Robotic Kitchen. Moley Robotics is a company that builds kitchen units with a robot that cooks food for you at home.