: Mobilizing Money In the Blockchain Era

3 min readMay 15, 2017


Money has always had a social function. It is its ability to enable one to transfer value, exchange goods and acquire much needed amenities and services that has enabled it to be a crucial component of modern day society. When Satoshi Nakamoto released Bitcoin in 2008, in a period strife with a recession, he aimed to re-invent how we looked at money. We no longer trusted banks or government agencies to define the value or denominations of currency, but rather kept our faith in a decentralized ledger that constantly updated itself with transactions happening around the globe. Bitcoin rose as a singular free market, largely lurking away from government intervention and middle-men. However, what makes it special has also hindered its growth. On one end, its pseudo-anonymity in regards to transactions has often meddled with its retail adoption. Individuals are often worried about copy pasting the wrong address and accidentally sending money to an unknown account. The irreversible nature of Bitcoin adds to the tension as countless individuals have sent and lost money in the process of sending money to the wrong address. On the other end are users who are genuinely worried about their individual identity and personal wealth when it comes to the Blockchain. Given the nature of the technology, any individual can trace down transactions and their frequency on the Blockchain. As a matter of fact, there are entire start-ups that seek to trace down transactions and provide private businesses and government agencies with intelligence on the source of funds. This makes it difficult for individuals, especially in nation states with dictatorial governments to rely on Bitcoin as a means of conducting business.

MoneyBadger aims to tackle this through two means.

1. We make money social

As it stands, our core product enables individuals to send Bitcoin to an E-mail, phone number, Reddit, or Twitter account. We are also in the process of adding additional connectors in the coming weeks. The idea is that money can be sent to verifiable accounts that are already known to the sender. Instead of sending money to a random string of alphanumeric characters, we facilitate the sending of money to a known e-mail address of an organization or twitter account. This can play a crucial role, especially in cases where the identity of the other individual has to be verified. Consider a case where money has to be sent to a non profit. Instead of trusting the fact that an individual posing to be from the non profit works with no wrong intent, you can now send the money directly to their e-mail address, thereby ensuring the money reaches the right person.

2. We enable privacy.

Instead of having to generate a new wallet address each time to ensure your transactions remain untraced, you may now use your system to simply provide an e-mail address or telephone number from which you can receive the money. Once the money hits our wallet, we send you a code that can be redeemed on our platform, thereby instantly releasing the money to a wallet of your choice. This ensures the counterparty you are dealing with has no idea of where the money is actually headed and provides you with complete anonymity in regards to the transaction. Our objective is to provide an ecosystem that allows individuals to increasingly use their verifiable identity for transactions while ensuring their privacy remains protected.

MoneyBadger intents to be a catalyst for massive social adoption of Blockchain-based currencies over the coming months. We hope to enable individuals to remit money with relative ease and protection of individual rights. We hope to have your feedback and inputs to guide us through the process.




Send Bitcoin easily and privately by Email, Reddit, Twitter, or SMS!