How to Fail Properly

Merle van den Akker
6 min readOct 28, 2019

We all fail, it’s inevitable. But you can fail the right way and learn, or the wrong way and learn nothing at all. So how do you fail properly?

Photo by Melanie Wasser on Unsplash

Failure, it’s the one thing we try to avoid like the plague. We try to avoid it to the extent it causes us anxiety, pain, sleepless nights and possibly even trauma. These are things I have also outlined in my previous post. And they are very real consequences of fearing failure.

I personally feel that failure has received a bad rep. Yes failing sucks. Especially if you do it in front of thousands of people, just after boasting you were going to succeed in a grand manner. But hey, wipe the embarrassment of your face, learn and move on. Do better next time. That’s how you fail properly. I will discuss failing properly in this article as a nice step-by-step program.

Step 1

Try Whether you are convinced that whatever you’re aiming for will succeed, you are slightly more cautious or you’re downright negative and insecure about it, at least give it an actual try. Going with the mindset “this will definitely not work,” puts restrictions on the amount of actual effort you put in. As a result, you put in less effort due to your mindset. Consequently, the likelihood of failure increases.

What you should do for everything single thing you try is: have a positive mindset…



Merle van den Akker

Behavioural scientist, living the PhD life. Making behavioral & personal finance insights accessible to all. Read: or Tweet: @MoneyMindMerle