Linearize a Recursive Call Stack Using Thread Primitives

10 min readAug 26, 2024


Written by Adviti Mishra, an intern on the MongoDB Ruby driver team

Mongoid is an object document mapper (like an ORM) built on the MongoDB Ruby driver that Ruby on Rails developers use to interact with their MongoDB data through model instances. When developers choose to cascade callbacks, if their document has a large number of embedded documents, they might encounter a SystemStackError. In this article, we walk through how we used Fibers — a lightweight thread primitive — in a non-concurrency related context of recursion to address this issue!


MongoDB is a document database that’s designed for scalability, flexibility, and high availability. It’s a non-relational database that uses JSON-like documents to store data.

Using Mongoid, Ruby on Rails developers working with MongoDB can leverage ActiveRecord-like referential associations as well as a directly embeddable variation known as embedded associations. Let’s first explore one type of document: embedded documents.

Embedded documents

Developers can store related data together by embedding these documents in their parent model. This enables them to retrieve the associated data in a single query.

In our example we will use throughout the article, we define a Parent class, a Child class, and a Grandchild class that contain embedded associations. First, we will create a parent document that embeds two children documents with the first child, embedding two grandchildren documents.

The document representation in MongoDB would look something like this:

"_id": "66a926dcca8ca12bf6813902",
"children": [
"_id": "66a926dcca8ca12bf68138fe",
"grand_children": [
"_id": "66a926dcca8ca12bf6813900",
"who_am_i": 0
"_id": "66a926dcca8ca12bf6813901",
"who_am_i": 1
"who_am_i": 0
"_id": "66a926dcca8ca12bf68138ff",
"who_am_i": 1

This document was generated as follows:

require 'bundler/inline'
gemfile do
source ''
gem 'mongoid', '9.0.0'
Mongoid.configure do |config|
config.clients.default = { uri: "mongodb://..." }
# to indicate around callbacks should be fired for embedded documents
Mongoid.around_callbacks_for_embeds = true
# Initial model definitions
class Example
include Mongoid::Document
field :who_am_i, type: Integer
class Parent < Example
embeds_many :children, cascade_callbacks: true
class Child < Example
embeds_many :grandchildren, cascade_callbacks: true
class Grandchild < Example; end
parent =
# Build and embed 2 child documents
parent.children = do |i| i)
# Build and embed 2 Grandchild documents for the first child
parent.children.first.grandchildren = do |i| i)

Now, let’s say that every time the parent document is saved, we want to perform some logic on the parent document before, after, and around the save operation. An example of this would be logging the beginning of the operation, calculating and storing the time taken by the save operation, and logging the end of the operation. How exactly can we hook into this stage of the document lifecycle?


Callbacks, in the context of a Mongoid application, are hooks into the lifecycle of a document’s persistence context. These hooks enable developers to perform logic before, after, and/or around (immediately before and immediately after) document lifecycle events like validate, create, update, save, and destroy.

Let’s modify our Example base class definition to include hooks into the before, after, and around events of the document’s “save” lifecycle.

class Example
include Mongoid::Document
field :who_am_i, type: Integer
# callbacks for the save operation
before_save { puts "[#{} #{self.who_am_i}] before callback" }
around_save :log_around
after_save { puts "[#{} #{self.who_am_i}] after callback" }
def log_around
puts "[#{} #{self.who_am_i}] around callback (begin)"
yield # to yield control to the code block performing the save operation
puts "[#{} #{self.who_am_i}] around callback (end)"

Mongoid depends on ActiveRecord’s callbacks implementation, with the relevant API for executing callbacks being Mongoid::Interceptable#run_callbacks. In our example, when run_callbacks is triggered, it will execute the before_save and around_save callbacks around the execution of the save operation, followed by the after_save callback.

The yield keyword in Ruby used when executing around callbacks is key.

Given that embedded documents are often used to store related data, sometimes, we may want the callbacks of embedded documents to run whenever a persistence operation is performed on the parent document. This phenomenon is known as cascading callbacks.

💡 Illustration to build intuition:

To illustrate how the callbacks cascade through the embedded documents, when we run the sample code above, the call to would produce the following output:

Having gained a better understanding of how callbacks cascade for embedded documents, we will now work on the implementation for the same. The task of running callbacks on embedded documents is abstracted away in a private API called Mongoid::Interceptable#_mongoid_run_child_callbacks_with_around and will be the function we will be working with moving forward.

Existing implementation (Mongoid 9.0.0 and earlier)

Before we start coding, let’s first set some goals for our implementation and enumerate what _mongoid_run_child_callbacks_with_around needs to know:

  1. If an around callback is defined, execution needs to pause at yield and resume after the yielded logic is done executing.
  2. All cascadable embedded documents need to have their callbacks executed.

The implementation must also be elegant, readable, and simple to reason about so that working with it feels good (like Matz tells us working with Ruby should).

Next, let’s dive into the parameters _mongoid_run_child_callbacks_with_around expects:

  1. kind: the kind of callbacks to run (e.g., save, create, validate, etc.)
  2. children: the list of embedded documents to run the callbacks on
  3. block: executes the persistence operation the callbacks are being run for; this can either happen directly or after running any other callbacks

Equipped with this, we will first analyze the old recursive implementation:

def _mongoid_run_child_callbacks_with_around(kind, children: nil, &block)
child, *tail = (children || cascadable_children(kind))
with_children = !Mongoid::Config.prevent_multiple_calls_of_embedded_callbacks
if child.nil?
elsif tail.empty?
child.run_callbacks(child_callback_type(kind, child), with_children: with_children, &block)
child.run_callbacks(child_callback_type(kind, child), with_children: with_children) do
_mongoid_run_child_callbacks_with_around(kind, children: tail, &block)

This function handles three cases:

  1. There are zero embedded documents (child.nil?), and if a code block was provided, it will be run.
  2. There is one embedded document (tail.empty?) and its run_callbacks function will be invoked.
  3. There are more than one embedded documents, at which point run_callbacks will be called recursively.

This recursive use case is where we can get into trouble. If we dig into the logic, it appears that run_callbacks yields to the custom block passed in that invokes _mongoid_run_child_callbacks_with_around but with the parameter for children as the list of remaining documents (stored in tail).

This seems intuitive as well based on colorized output (see above), where each color corresponds to one invocation of _mongoid_run_child_callbacks_with_around.

To better understand how this recursive implementation can become problematic, let’s adjust the number of Child embedded documents our sample code will generate:

parent =
# Build and embed 750 child documents
parent.children = do |i| i)
# Build and embed 2 Grandchild documents for the first child
parent.children.first.grandchildren = do |i| i)

Though the increased number of child embedded documents being generated may not seem like much, according to our Ruby runtime, it is… and running this example will now raise a SystemStackError.

[...]/mongoid-9.0.0/lib/mongoid/config/options.rb:38:in `block (2 levels) in option': stack level too deep (SystemStackError)
from [...]/mongoid-9.0.0/lib/mongoid/interceptable.rb:177:in `_mongoid_run_child_callbacks_with_around'
from [...]/mongoid-9.0.0/lib/mongoid/interceptable.rb:184:in `block in _mongoid_run_child_callbacks_with_around'
from [...]/activesupport- `run_callbacks'
from [...]/mongoid-9.0.0/lib/mongoid/interceptable.rb:139:in `run_callbacks'
from [...]/mongoid-9.0.0/lib/mongoid/interceptable.rb:183:in `_mongoid_run_child_callbacks_with_around'
from [...]/mongoid-9.0.0/lib/mongoid/interceptable.rb:184:in `block in _mongoid_run_child_callbacks_with_around'
from [...]/activesupport- `run_callbacks'
from [...]/mongoid-9.0.0/lib/mongoid/interceptable.rb:139:in `run_callbacks'
... 8134 levels...
from [...]/mongoid-9.0.0/lib/mongoid/persistable/creatable.rb:109:in `prepare_insert'
from [...]/mongoid-9.0.0/lib/mongoid/persistable/creatable.rb:21:in `insert'
from [...]/mongoid-9.0.0/lib/mongoid/persistable/savable.rb:27:in `save'
from test.rb:53:in `<main>'

There are well-defined base cases in _mongoid_run_child_callbacks, so there is no way this is a case of:

a case of:
a case of:
a case of:
a case of:
a case of:
a case of:
a case of:

Infinite recursion!

So, how did the stack space get exhausted?!

Well, in the general case, an invocation of _mongoid_run_child_callbacks_with_around creates a stack frame for run_callbacks. When run_callbacks eventually yields to the block passed in, this block creates a stack frame for running _mongoid_run_child_callbacks_with_around and so on.

As a result, there is at least one extra stack frame for every invocation of _mongoid_run_child_callbacks_with_around which corresponds directly to the number of embedded documents, eventually reaching a depth that results in a SystemStackError being raised. The number of callbacks that can be added to the stack can vary from system to system, which makes it challenging to optimize the existing approach consistently.

Maybe there’s a better way to approach this …

Replacing recursion with fibers in Mongoid 9.0.1

So, what even are fibers?

Fibers are thread primitives that are used for implementing lightweight cooperative concurrency. These are the two methods we will be using from the Fiber API:

  1. The Fiber#resume method starts/resumes running the fiber.
  2. The Fiber.yield method is called from within the fiber to return control to the caller of the Fiber#resume. These two methods equip fibers with a feature that we will leverage. We can control the scheduling (unlike threads that are scheduled by the operating system).

Fibers are typically used in concurrent contexts. However, we thought of using these two methods to somehow run callbacks based on a proof of concept initially proposed by my mentor, Jamis Buck!


To investigate this, I wanted to first answer these high-level questions:

  1. Bottom-up: How do callbacks work at the level of ActiveSupport in Ruby on Rails through CallbackSequence, CallTemplate, Filters, all the way up to run_callbacks?
  2. Top-down: How does Mongoid identify a persistence operation, obtain a list of the embedded documents that callbacks can be cascaded to, and cascade the right callbacks for all of them using run_callbacks?
  3. Middle-layer: At what point within the entire flow of callbacks (discovered through one and two) can fibers be used correctly?

I spent the first few weeks of my internship understanding callbacks in the context of the holy trinity: Ruby on Rails, Mongoid, and fibers from the Ruby language. However, when my dreams started running on separate fibers that kept yielding to each other, I realized I had to touch some grass. It was when I was touching grass on a hike that I had my eureka moment — ironically inspired by recursion.

In the Programming and Data Structure class I TA’d, one mantra we would emphasize in the recursion unit was: “Take the recursive leap of faith.”

The recursive leap of faith means:

  1. Trust that the function you are implementing runs perfectly and returns the right value.
  2. Solely focus on figuring out how to depend on the function.

Extrapolate this philosophy of trust to this project where _mongoid_run_child_callbacks_with_around depends on Ruby on Rails’ ActiveSupport:

What if we trust that Ruby on Rails’ handling of callbacks is incredibly efficient and solely focus on how we depend on Ruby on Rails’ run_callbacks instead?

This helped us answer Question 3 above: At what point within the entire flow of callbacks can fibers be used correctly? Within _mongoid_run_child_callbacks_with_around itself!

The fundamental idea underpinning the solution that I discovered is leveraging fibers in a “hand-off” fashion.

def hand_off(children, block)
# creating fibers for each child in children
fibers = do |child| do
puts "Fiber for #{child.who_am_i} does work (begin)"
puts "Fiber for #{child.who_am_i} finishes work (end)"
# resumes one fiber at a time
# execute the block
# resumes one fiber at a time in reverse

The fibers.each(&:resume) line runs the fiber for the 0th child. “Fiber for 0 does work (begin)” gets printed. When execution hits the Fiber.yield statement, control is returned to fibers.each(&:resume). This then runs the fiber for the next child. In this fashion, the work “before” the yield gets executed for all the children.

Now, the actual “work” can take place. Thus, block&.call runs.

The fibers.reverse.each(&:resume) line runs the fiber for the last child. “Fiber for 1 does work (end)” gets printed. This then runs the fiber for the second-to-last child. In this fashion, the work “after” the yield gets executed for all the children.

Does this flow seem familiar? It is a linearized version of the bottleneck in the recursive call stack from the implementation in Mongoid 9.0 (and earlier)!

  • The fibers.each(&:resume) mimics running the before callback and the part of the around callback before the yield.
  • The block&.call mimics running the block passed in.
  • The fibers.reverse.each(&:resume) mimics the “unfolding” of the recursive algorithm by running the part of the around callback after the yield and the after callback.

Isn’t this cool? Together, we have linearized the recursive call stack using a thread primitive!

In our case, run_callbacks does all the work we illustrated in the code block. To effectively hand off control between the fibers, the one tweak we need to make is that the block we pass into run_callbacks should yield the fiber.

The solution that we arrived at looks like:

def _mongoid_run_child_callbacks_with_around(kind, children: nil, &block)
children = (children || cascadable_children(kind))
with_children = !Mongoid::Config.prevent_multiple_calls_of_embedded_callbacks
return block&.call if children.empty?
fibers = do |child| do
child.run_callbacks(child_callback_type(kind, child), with_children: with_children) do
fibers.each do |fiber|
raise Mongoid::Errors::InvalidAroundCallback unless fiber.alive?

Yay! Let’s now analyze how the two implementations fair for correctness and efficiency:

If an around callback is defined, execution needs to pause at yield and resume after the yielded logic is done executing.

  • Recursive implementation: Stack frames remember where to resume execution.
  • Fiber-based implementation: Each fiber resumes execution from the point it yielded.

All cascadable embedded documents need to have their callbacks executed.

  • Recursive implementation: A stack frame is created for each embedded document.
  • Fiber-based implementation: A fiber is created for each embedded document within one stack frame.

As demonstrated previously, the recursive implementation stops working for embedded documents in the hundreds. On the other hand, the fibers implementation works for even 10,000+ embedded documents. Thus, you don’t need to worry about your application working or not working depending on the data you have (although, you should ideally not design your database to have tens of thousands of embedded documents).

The Fiber-based implementation we’ve discussed throughout this post was released in Mongoid 9.0.1 if you want to go check it out. If you’re unsure how to get started with Mongoid, there are tutorials for Ruby on Rails and Sinatra that can help start you on your journey to building something amazing with MongoDB and Ruby!




MongoDB unleashes the power of software and data for innovators everywhere.