Best Cloud Server Provider — Specialize In Managed Web Hosting Solution

Moni singh
3 min readDec 7, 2017

Best Cloud server provider companies are many. They are all with high reputation and are providing best cloud server hosting service to their clients for a considerably long period of time. All these best cloud server providing companies are highly reliable and are providing excellent features and services to their clients. The most reputed of them provide Tier 4 infrastructure, having number of working power and cooling distribution paths. They provide Business Continuity Plan Enabled service to guarantee continuation of business processes even during disaster or an emergency. Their Cloud servers are easily deployable. The best Cloud server providers provide services with features such as, guaranteed 99.995% uptime with zero data loss. It provides full Root Access servers to provide full server control to the customer who can very easily customize their servers according to her/his business needs. They provide features such as auto load balancing to dynamically manage and balance the incoming traffic from th
e host with a preset load distribution plan. Features such as Service Level Agreement driven delivery service is also provided by best cloud server provider companies to their customers. These best cloud server providing companies provide enterprise grade cloud server hosting with high availability cloud servers. They also provide complete disaster recovery service from any Information technology disasters.

What is Cloud Server?

Cloud Server is a virtualized server. This cloud server runs on cloud computing technology and environment. The cloud computing technology links number of servers to share the load and ultimately serve as a single server. A cloud server provides the services through many smaller machines, instead of using one number of powerful machine. These cloud servers are popularly known as Virtual Dedicated Servers or VDS. A cloud server is built and hosted through a cloud computing platform. It is delivered through the internet. A cloud server can be accessed remotely by its user.

What are the advantages of Cloud Server?

  1. The Cloud servers are most stable and secured server hosting. Cloud server isolates any software problem from the user’s environment. No other cloud server can have any effect on any other Cloud server. If a user somehow overloads her/his server, it cannot have any impact on another Cloud server. This is absolutely different from the services of physical servers.
  2. The Cloud server’s stability and security issues are also evident from its avoiding hardware issues. Cloud servers are best for business organizations because besides giving quality service to the user, it also helps in keeping the Information Technology expenses down.
  3. Cloud servers are fast. Cloud servers provide faster service with additional resources in comparison to physical servers. The websites hosted on Cloud servers definitely run faster than other websites.
  4. Cloud servers provide high amount of scalability to its user. Cloud servers add memory and disk space with fast upgrading.
  5. Cloud servers are very affordable option of hosting service when compared with physical servers.

What is Cloud hosting?

Cloud hosting service is a hosting service on virtual servers. These virtual servers pull their computing resources from physical website servers. These physical servers form an extensive network, providing resources to the virtual server in Cloud hosting.

There are so many Cloud server providers, who have been declared best by their users in the year 2017 and this is substantiated with number of reviews.

