The MonkeyLeague Game Update #4

6 min readAug 7, 2022


As we all know, developing web3 games are different than web2 games. Web2 games are essentially built in secret and we only see the final product, not the in between. In web3, games are developed transparently with stages of testing and optimization open for all to see.

Developing a great game that lasts a lifetime is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Sometimes the odds may have been against us but we have delivered milestone after milestone with a high standard of quality and care currently unseen in most of web3. From Pioneers Gear Up, MonkeySpace, the new website, the game prototype, game environments, Team Selection, and $MBS Staking 1.0, we remain dedicated and true to our mission of delivering only top quality fun web3 gaming experiences.

Whether they realize it or not, a gamer’s experience inside a game is formed by many factors; the game loop, game mechanics, game economy, and the overall Look and Feel (art/design, animations, pace and more). In pursuit of our mission to release only a high standard of gaming experience, the team has made great strides in the last 6–8 weeks that take MonkeyLeague to a whole other level of super fun-first gaming.

Some of these updates are still in the testing and optimization phase and are subject to change.

Game Updates:

Expanded Moves Per Turn:

  • As a result of tons of playtesting, instead of having 2–4 moves per turn, players on offense will be able to perform moves until they score or lose the ball. Less back and forth, more tactical soccer. This simple game mechanic change makes the gameplay quicker and more engaging.

Expanded A.I.:

  • As everyone was able to see in our gameplay clip released a couple months ago, the only player movement came from the one with the ball or from a single opposing player’s defensive challenge. For a drastically better gaming experience, we are expanding the A.I.’s role in the game to also remove all idleness from other players on the field.
  • What this means is that when you pass the ball or perform an action, the rest of the players, on your team and the opposing team, will automatically react based on many variables such as what move it was, where the move was directed to, where you are on the field, where other players are, and more. This A.I. will continuously learn and improve.
  • A great example of this application is in any real-time sports games, where you control one player but as you move or perform moves, your teammates and opposing players are moving with you and reacting accordingly.

This technological advancement is no small feat for the dev team and greatly strengthens the core of the game’s Look and Feel.

Larger Field Size:

  • Together with community feedback and after testing several different sizes, the team is currently focused on a 10x7 quadrant field size (not including the half quadrants). This field size provides for a better overall gaming experience by enabling more tactical and strategic gameplay — giving players the room, but not too much room, to move, perform moves, and plays while not increasing game time.
New Field Environment + New Field Size (10x7)

More Players Per Team:

  • The team has exhaustively tested different numbers of players on the field per team — 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, 8x8. Based on this and together with the expanded A.I., moves per turn, and larger field size, we have found a sweet spot with 6x6 — although it is not final. This update takes MonkeyLeague to a whole other level of not only fun, quick, and engaging gameplay but also additional strategic layers as a bigger field and more players injects many new potential player dilemmas that require more strategic and tactical thinking.
Still in testing, we found 6x6 to be a great sweet spot that enhances the gameplay and strategic layers.


  • The future of web3 gaming is mobile and we are web3 pioneers — we decided to make a full drive towards releasing on Mobile. Part of this involves having a free to play version of the game available.

Breeding Capsules to be NFTs:

  • For several reasons, including enabling faster time to market and for them to be tradable, we have decided to make the Breeding Capsules NFTs rather than a non-transferable game item. In the process and as web3 pioneers, the team is developing a unique infrastructure, currently unavailable on Solana, that enables people to make a purchase, receive a code, and then redeem the Breeding Capsule NFT. The capsule is still single use but can be traded or re-sold. Phase 1 of the capsule sales will be done through secondary marketplaces until the MonkeyLeague marketplace is complete.

It is important to note again that some of these updates are still subject to change as we continue to test and optimize to find and deliver the best possible gaming experience that will act as the MVP foundation from which we continue building.

Communications Update:

The last 6–8 weeks have been busy not only on the game development side but also for spreading the MonkeyLove on the marketing and partnerships side.

  • Unveiled UnCaged Studios & vision for a vast ecosystem with a franchise of sports games at its core that will leverage the same MonkeyPlayer NFTs
  • Completed $24M in Series A Funding in Crypto Winter: Now backed by the biggest in web3 and gaming, our studio has the support and years of runway to achieve our mission and make the UnCaged Gaming vision a reality. We are NOT going anywhere!
  • Partnership with Web2 Giant BUFF Games: Our mission to bridge web2 gamers to web3 is achieved one milestone at a time and our strategic partnership with BUFF Games is a giant step forward!
  • Hooga Gaming Partnership: Partnerships are a cornerstone of web3 and co-marketing and co-activity partnerships with like-minded communities like Hooga Gaming is a great way to expose MonkeyLeague to more people.
  • RankerDAO Partnership: A competitive gaming guild, RankerDAO sees where web3 gaming is headed and that MonkeyLeague will be at the forefront. Ranker will give a nice boost to the player ecosystem and economy by bringing forth many highly engaged and skilled players.
  • BAYZ Partnership: One of the biggest gaming guilds in Latin America and the biggest in Brazil, the strategic partnership with BAYZ is significant for multiple reasons; bringing many skilled gamers into MonkeyLeague and a big step towards MonkeyLeague becoming the #1 played game in Latin America!

What’s Coming:

  • Partnerships that. Will. Turn. Many. Heads!
  • Breeding Capsule Drops & Breeding Season
  • Closed Alpha

That’s all for today’s game update — stay tuned this week for more updates and gameplay clip!

Much MonkeyLove

Oren Langberg

Head of Marketing & Partnerships

About MonkeyLeague:

The first in a franchise, MonkeyLeague is a turn-based, web3 soccer game that’s easy to learn, yet hard to master.

Build your dream team, win matches & tournaments, and climb the League ranks!

MonkeyLeague combines high-production-value, multiplayer gaming with Solana blockchain, NFTs, and decentralized finance to deliver an exciting, turn-based, play-and-earn soccer game that’s easy to learn yet hard to master.

Get on the MonkeyTrain:

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Check out the MonkeyLeague Game Trailer!

About UnCaged Studios:

UnCaged Studios is pioneering high-quality, fun-first Web3 gaming. Co-founded by seasoned Web3 and gaming experts, the studio has over a hundred years of combined experience designing and developing high production value, immersive gaming experiences with sustainable economies. Through its own platform, Game OS, the studio’s first release is an esports franchise called MonkeyLeague. Moreover, UnCaged leverages Game OS to co-develop with leading game studios by providing core technical functionality, infrastructure, and live operations Web3 services.





UNKJD Soccer is a 1st-of-its-kind mobile soccer game that fuses the thinking of a manager, the planning of a coach, and the skills of a soccer star.