Python Beginner tutorials — Day 01

4 min readDec 28, 2021

Many online editors save our time and the difficulty you may have while installing Visual Studio Code.

For me, at first I spent(waste??) almost the whole day troubleshooting the installment. In my opinion, beginners should try the online editor to learn the Python, or the very first difficulty of installment might defeat the determination. Don’t give up!

P.S. This article don’t include the installment and setup of VSCode.

Love what you do right now

Of course, I’m still learning. Sharing what I’ve learned makes me understand much more!

I truly undertsand how disappointing it is on the path of Self-Learning, e.g. The resources you found are foreign languages、the tutorials are outdated、facing difficulties but no one helped you…、Stuck at somewhere so gave up… Above make me start sharing what I have learned cause I had been there.

I have Chinese Tutorials in Matters(BlockChain Platform for articles) too.

Udemy Python courses recommendation for Beginners!

ZTM(most recommended)

Strong and active community, the range of this Academy is still gorwing, you can learning basically everything here.

Dr. Angela Yu — Python Beginner camp

The projects inside are basic and nice for beginners. But They didn’t offer a good community, also not answer questions.

Jose Portilla
Header of Data Sciende which is the reason Why I start learning Python. He speaked clear and the vidoes are updated. Professional! Investment is worthy!

As you see, actually the series of python tutorials are the notes of the course from me.

If (you wanna be the tutor of coding)
Two websites are your best tools
Super useful. Online editor is the benefit for beginners! Time is the most valuable asset for the self-learners… so at first this is pretty nice for test and learn the basics.

Create the classrooms for students! Like the exams for students!

elif( Start learning Python!)
Anaconda ( many good applications here)
Make sure enabling all the options(if the default setting skip one, enable it!)

Jupyter Notebook is super super Helpful and easy to use!
At first…

create a new python file(.py)

test test~

Press the + icon on the left-top side, then it will create new section(In[1]), every section can ne runned by pressing the top button Run.
Out[1] is the output of the section.

Pandas is the useful add-on for Python and Data science, let’s install it!

Print the classical Hello World.

print(“Hello World!”)
As you see, the sentence inside of the double quotes is String. We need to learn the basic variables now.

What is the variable?
We use variable to contain the number or information. It’s the container.

Normally, we will use the following:
int ( integer, i.e. 1, 9 , 156)
float ( i.e. 1.0, 5.8, 99.47)
string(i.e. “Halo Friend”)

How to code

the left side is the codes, the right side is the compiling result. Maybe it’s the part of how the chat bot works…?

len ( length), length of the input … 5 alphbets

Python uses # to comment. C++ and c# uses //.

The last test today… Make your nickname.




Programming is a mindset. Cybersecurity is the process. Focus on Python & Rust currently. More about me |