TKN Creation Event Updates

Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2017

Hi Everyone, we’re very happy with the remarkable interest our project has seen. I will make a more general statement on the success of the Contribution Event later. Now, however I want to address concerns some might have about a bug that occurred, and give some peace of mind to contributors.

All is fine. We are indeed fully aware of the bug that has occurred and there are indeed a number of solutions. Though it is not a large issue, we are taking this very seriously.

The TKN Creation Event pushed the boundaries of Ethereum crowdsales and with that we deemed it appropriate to explore these possibilities with adequate safety measures put in place. We were prepared for these kinds of possibilities; transfers are frozen until we are satisfied with the results. I want to thank the quality work done by Peter Vessenes and Dennis Peterson (New Alchemy) to be able to mitigate issues like this.

Please just let your TKN sit on the address you contributed from, no actions are needed from the contributors side.


A statement from Peter Vessenes from the nerdquestions channel on our slack:

We’re investigating two server errors on the ERC20 crediting right now; first — it looks like not all of the ERC20 transfers were credited. We have very precise logs on and off chain, so we’re not worried, but we need to tie and tee the list.

The second server error we are looking at currently looks like remediation is going to be necessary. We have a number of ways to do that, but want to get a very clear look at it in the light of day while we’re not sleep deprived. It’s evening in Seattle right now, so expect more on this in the next 12 hours.

In the interim, please note that TokenCard has NOT published the final TKN token address; this is a safety oriented step to make sure that all participants get exactly what they were told they would during the contribution event.

Some of you are sophisticated enough to guess what contract is the token contract; DO NOT use any such contract or any contract given to you by others until we have the official on-the-site announcement.

All that said, no cause for alarm, but we see enough that’s worrisome we won’t be turning on transfers by committing to the token contract for a little bit here. I’ll post here and official communication will come over the website and medium.

Once again, I want to thank all who participated. The event went over very quickly and demand was staggering.

Mel Gelderman




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