MoonBeans BLO — Beamswap Liquidity Offering on Moonbeam

2 min readMar 4, 2022

MoonBeans is happy to announce a strategic partnership with Beamswap!

MoonBeans is bridging to Moonbeam and will be having an Initial Liquidity offering (ILO) through Beamswap, which is referred to as a BLO or Beamswap Liquidity Offering.

This means $BEANS will be available for swap and DeFi options on Beamswap, including incentivized pools with high APRs.

The MoonBeans BLO will take place on Thursday, March 10th, 2022.

What is a BLO?

The Beamswap BLO is a branded form of the acronym ILO or Initial Liquidity Offering. This is an innovative and increasingly popular option for launching tokens on a new DEX. It allows assets to flow to, and accumulate on, the Moonbeam Network for users to trade and participate in DeFi.

To grow $BEANS, the BLO helps ensure an adequate amount of liquidity is available to prevent adverse price swings that are common with low liquidity trading.

Why should you participate?

Through the BLO, you will be able to bridge $BEANS from Moonriver and boost the $BEANS liquidity on Moonbeam. By staking your $BEANS, you will have access to $GLINT at a 5% discount, which can then be pooled for tasty APRs!

*GLINT is the native token of Beamswap

Once the BLO closes, you’ll then be able to reap even more rewards by participating in a $BEANS-$GLMR LP that will have boosted APR rewards.

In DeFi, yield farming is immensely important to achieve project growth. ILOs like the Beamswap Liquidity Offering allow for large-scale growth for MoonBeans on a new decentralized exchange.

Get your $BEANS ready to earn!

About Beamswap

Beamswap is a Moonbeam-based DeFi hub. Primarily, it’s a decentralized exchange (DEX) with an automated market maker (AMM), providing liquidity and peer-to-peer transactions. But it aims to be so much more than that. Supporting an array of services and features, it allows users to swap crypto assets, both fungible and non-fungible, earn passive income from staking and yield farming, and even launch crypto projects on Moonbeam.

To learn more: Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram |Medium

About MoonBeans

MoonBeans ($BEANS) is the first dividend token on the Moonriver Network, and coming soon to Moonbeam. The MoonBeans NFT platform, The Galactic Trading Co., provides the highest profit-sharing available on the market! And don’t worry, it’s organic, extraterrestrially sourced, and alien cruelty-free. The platform features frictionless USDC dividends automatically rewarded to $BEANS holders, customizable rewards, a fully functional community DAO, and profit-sharing.

To learn more: Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram |Medium

