🐻HUGE MoonBear.Finance Staking News🐻


Hello, Moon Bears! 🌕 🐻

It’s finally time… the $MBF team would like to announce the official release date and time for our staking platform! 🚀

We have spent months working, building and testing to produce a platform that we are confident will provide astounding rewards and allow us to continue to build and grow! 💵🌳

The release date will be: Monday 15th @ 22:00 UTC — mark it on your calendars! 📅

Countdown timer: https://click.moonbear.finance/staking-countdown ⏲️

We have put together an extensive marketing plan starting right now — we will share the details soon so stay tuned! 👀

Now is the best time to fill your bags with $MBF and prepare for staking — we expect a lot of price movement due to our revolutionary new staking platform that we are introducing! Never before has a token combined deflationary tokenomics with ‘longer pays better’ staking rewards 🔥

NOTE: There will be a BIG reward pool at launch for all holders that stake within the first 72 hours (more info about this soon)! 🤑



MoonBear.Finance - Supercharged DeFi Crypto

Community-driven, fair launched, decentralized finance (DeFi) cryptocurrency with supercharged tokenomics that can accumulate wealth, even in a bear market.