Full Moon Release Rituals: Embracing Letting Go

Petra Raymond
3 min readAug 13, 2023


As the celestial sphere bathed in silvery light takes its majestic place in the night sky, the Full Moon emerges as a symbol of culmination, realization, and release. In astrology, this phase offers us an opportunity to harness its potent energies to let go of what no longer serves us, making space for the new. Rituals, intimately intertwined with human history, become the vessel through which we channel these energies, guiding us towards embracing change. How can the Full Moon, with its illuminating splendour, guide us in the art of release and transformation?

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The Full Moon in Astrology: A Beacon of Release

Before embarking on the journey of Full Moon rituals, it’s paramount to grasp the astrological essence of this luminary phase.

  • Position in the Lunar Cycle: Situated between the Waxing Gibbous and the Waning Gibbous, the Full Moon marks the zenith of the moon’s cycle, representing completion, the peak of energy, and reflection.
  • Astrological Resonance: In the astrological landscape, the Full Moon acts as a mirror, reflecting back to us our deep-seated emotions, desires, and patterns that need transformation. It’s a time of heightened intuition, clarity, and revelation.
  • Energetic Shifts: The lunar energies during a Full Moon are intense and expansive. They encourage us to confront and release — be it outdated beliefs, relationships, or habits.

Full Moon Release Rituals: A Step-by-Step Guide

Harness the Full Moon’s power with rituals that resonate with your spiritual essence:

  1. Sacred Space Creation: Begin by creating a sacred space. Cleanse the area using sage, palo santo, or incense. This act purifies the surroundings, paving the way for release.
  2. Crystal Cleansing: Crystals magnify the moon’s energy. Choose stones like selenite, moonstone, or clear quartz, and place them under the Full Moon light to cleanse and charge.
  3. Introspective Journaling: Dive deep within. Reflect upon what you wish to release. Write these down, focusing on emotions, patterns, or situations that no longer align with your growth.
  4. Fire Release Ritual: Safely burn the paper on which you’ve penned down your release intentions. As the flames consume the paper, visualize the energy being transmuted and returned to the universe.
  5. Meditative Embrace: Sit in quiet meditation under the Full Moon. Visualize its light purifying your aura, and as you exhale, imagine releasing all that doesn’t serve you.
  6. Gratitude Closure: End your ritual by expressing gratitude. Thank the moon, the universe, and yourself for the courage to embrace change.

Astrology and the Cycle of Embracing Change

The journey of release is intrinsically tied to the broader tapestry of astrology:

  • Moon Sign Matters: Understanding your Moon sign can provide insights into your emotional reactions to release and change.
  • Planetary Influences: Be attuned to other planetary movements during the Full Moon. They offer additional layers of understanding, amplifying or moderating the release energies.
  • Lunar Phase Integration: While the Full Moon is about release, other phases, like the Waxing Crescent, signal new beginnings. Embracing change means understanding and flowing with this cycle.

Embracing Letting Go: A Dance with the Full Moon

Life is a dance of holding on and letting go. The Full Moon, with its radiant glow, serves as a cosmic reminder of the beauty and necessity of release. Through astrology and rituals, we can navigate the currents of change, embracing transformation with grace, courage, and hope.

In the embrace of the Full Moon, find your rhythm, release the old, and make space for the luminous new that awaits.

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Petra Raymond

Astrology expert with 12+ yrs of insight 🔮 Specializing in birth charts 🌌 & lunar guidance 🌙 Illuminating life's paths & possibilities ⭐