MoonEscrow, MoonSwap and Referral

Moon Vault
4 min readJul 9, 2022

To start this article we believe it’s important to ask anyone reading, what do you want out of DeFi and what can help make that process easier and safer? We ask ourselves this question. Every. Single. Day.

As we continue to develop Version 2.0, we have begun to build out some tools that we feel will address, at least partially, these two questions and we would like to share our progress. Below are a couple small teasers 😉

First up, MoonEscrow.

Trading with other users is always one of the riskiest pieces of DeFi. How can you be sure that the other user, on the other side of the planet is going to trade with you the agreed upon token, coin, NFT, etc.? This is where Escrow comes in. With MoonEscrow we have created a safe and honest way of doing this. On top of that, you can do it with very little cost to you and the receiver.

To trade is simple. You make an offer. Your partner either accepts, counters, or denies and then you both place agreed upon amount in escrow. Once in escrow you both confirm that the amounts are correct and then the trade occurs. No longer do you have to worry about sending the wrong amount, the other user scamming you or any other standard risks that come in DeFi and trading with individual users.

We even added a referral so the user can access a portion of the profits ❤.

Second up to bat is MoonSwap.

One difficulty that all of us have experienced in DeFi is the constant search for the best price and the cheapest fees. This becomes a tedious task, especially when you are trading daily. This is where MoonSwap comes in. With this tool we enable the user to see the cost comparisons and fees across the DeFi arena. Where can you spend the least amount of money making a trade? Right here. Part of educating yourself on your DeFi maneuvers is knowing what you are doing at all times.

We intend to show you everything involved with the trades. Not just the cost comparisons but as we develop this tool we will continue to add analytics relevant to the trade, including the total cost and the cost difference. You can swap with the best rates possible, and know exactly what it will cost you and from one single site.

But wait….. there's more….

Finally we wanted to let you know some info on our Referral system.

Whether it is you, as an individual or an entire protocol, everyone should have a chance to earn with our services! In order to do this we have added a new referral system, which lets you earn a share of our fees! Remember our fees don't go to the team, but to our MOON holders. With this new system, users benefit from our money saving and secure services, and MOON holders earn from the generated profits. So why not let referrers earn as well? 😘

If that isn't symbiotic, then I don’t know what is.

As always, none of this was done to benefit anyone else other than the end user. We want to continue to progress and improve this product to help progress DeFi in the right direction. Building trust in a trustless universe. Was that a crypto joke? I think so 😊.

We will see you all soon. In the meantime, please drop into our discord and say hi.

❤ Moon Vault ❤

