How I used to take notes in school: A tutorial for note taking

Accalia Baronets
1 min readSep 4, 2017


When I was in school, I was never taught any tricks to take notes. I would write down the information, but I wouldn’t retain it. Well, eventually I figured out a note taking technique that worked for me. I can’t promise you that this technique will work for you, but I’ll show it to you anyway.

I. Main Subject

This is where you write down what class this is for.

A. This is where you write what the first subject is about.



3. This is where you write your actual notes.

B. If your teacher adds more, then you use the alphabet for each new subject.

II. Secondary subject

C. Again, this is where you write what the subject is about.

The numbers are meant for definitions, or side notes.

If I think that a certain note is important then I will underline it.

If I want to look up a word, then I will circle it. This will tell me that I intend on looking up the definition later.

If the teacher mentions something a lot, then I will double underline it. Chances are, that information is going to be on a test.



Accalia Baronets

I’m an AUDHD person who enjoys Tea and Video Games. Pronouns: They/ Them, She/ Her