Scytale Backs Moonsama

3 min readNov 30, 2022


November 30, 2022


Investment Includes Strategic Partnership & Advisory Board Appointments

November 30, 2022 — Scytale Ventures today announced a significant investment in Moonsama, an NFT-governed gaming ecosystem in which holding an NFT gives the user a voting right on how the project develops. Additionally, Moonsama has its own blockchain, metaverse and three successful NFT collections.

The goal of the partnership is to form a dynamic collaboration that mutually supports both Scytale Ventures and Moonsama. This includes but is not limited to financial investment, leadership and advice, governance and ecosystem support.

“Moonsama has a great team behind it, with co-founder Adam Nagy, at the helm. The team’s philosophy allows for quick proofs of concept and real market feedback from their community,” said Scytale Ventures CIO and Founder Mark Cachia. “Gaming is an all-encompassing platform for digital art and one of the sectors that can readily bring adoption to Web3.”

“Working collaboratively with the Scytale team is a natural next step that grows out of a longstanding positive relationship. I am confident that this partnership will benefit our community,” said Adam Nagy, Co-Founder and CTO of Moonsama. “Our growth and impact has been based on our community loyalty and ability to engage with feedback from them. I look forward to continued growth with Scytale.”

With this partnership, Mr. Cachia, will act as Chief Advisor to Moonsama and will steer the Advisory Board. Joining as Creative Advisor is Sergio Mottola, President at Public Pressure, an NFT marketplace in the music industry. Dr. Alessandro Palombo, Founder of Jur, the Network State infrastructure, joins as Governance Advisor.


Exosama Network is the next chapter for the ever-growing Moonsama Multiverse Community. It is a versatile metaverse-focused blockchain built to accommodate NFT projects of many fields, such as gaming, music, artwork and fashion. The network features high-performance EVM capability and can be bridged to multiple metaverses and ecosystems. Exosama Network is the first enterprise-grade blockchain with a simple but fair NFT-based governance model and a gas token that originates from players’ in-game efforts.

For more information:


Scytale Ventures is a digital asset manager with a focus on blockchain solutions. The company was an early adopter/investor in blockchain with Horizon Fund I in 2017. Horizon Fund II closed in early 2022. Scytale largely invests in projects building real world solutions across different Web3 ecosystems.To date, Scytale Horizon II has invested in 14 projects with a diversity of offerings, which include gaming, music, legaltech, security, as well as blockchain and metaverse infrastructure, among others.

For more information:

Photo for press use, please credit: Scytale Ventures:

From left to right:

Adam Nagy, Moonsama CTO; Sergio Mottola, President at Public Pressure and Moonsama Creative Advisor; Mark Cachia, Scytale Ventures CIO and Founder and Moonsama Chief Advisor; Dr. Alessandro Palombo, Founder of JUR and Moonsama Governance Advisor

Scytale Media Inquiries

Honor & Gold

Stephen Connolly

Moonsama Media Inquiries

MoonSoonLabs Pte. LTD

