Moran Lokits

Moran Lokits


23 stories

Explanation of one thumb one eyeball test and do’s & don’ts of affordances.
Moran Lokits

Moran Lokits

PM skills

18 stories

Balancing a heart and a lightbulb.
Moran Lokits

Moran Lokits

Science & Space

2 stories

#Moon #Space #Universe
Moran Lokits

Moran Lokits


3 stories

A woman working on laptop.
Moran Lokits

Moran Lokits

Climate & Agro Tech

6 stories

Moran Lokits

Moran Lokits

Health Tech

7 stories

Moran Lokits

Moran Lokits


2 stories

Moran Lokits

Moran Lokits

AI buzz

4 stories

Moran Lokits

Moran Lokits

Product Flows

1 story

Calm app logo on white background