La Bikina

Francisco Chibrás
3 min readJun 25, 2018


Leyend speaks of a woman walking down the street. Her movement royal, her smile pristine. Her beauty only rivaled by the loneliness in her eyes. People call her “Bikina” and this is her song. Join me in a new series of articles, translating and exploring the greatests songs and lyrics from the spanish language, as we discover a beautiful world. Welcome to Every song is a story.

Song: La bikina

Genre: mexican popular (Mariachi)

*I really suggest listening to the song while reading the lyrics.

La bikina

Lonely walks La Bikina.

People start to whisper.

They say she has a sorrow.

They say she has a sorrow that makes her cry.

Haughty, gorgeous and proud,

doesn’t let anyone console her.

She goes by flaunting her real majesty.

She goes by, sees them without ever looking at them.

La Bikina, has sorrow and pain.

La Bikina, doesn’t know love.

Haughty, gorgeous and proud

doesn’t let anyone comfort her.

They say somebody already came and left.

They say she spends the nights crying for him.

La Bikina, has sorrow and pain.

La Bikina, doesn’t know love.

Haughty, gorgeous and proud

doesn’t let anyone comfort her.

They say somebody already came and left.

They say she spends her nights crying for him.

They say she spends the nights crying for him.

They say she spends the nights crying for him.

Hello and welcome to this first entry in the “Every song is a story” series. I’ve always been a big fan of sites like songfacts and song meanings, spending hours discussing and learning new facts about the poetry and meaning behind my favorite songs. As time passed, I realized those kind of sites didn’t exist for music in other languages, particularly in spanish. When they do exist, they go unnoticed. Songs in every language are stories, emotions, poetry, and sometimes random words. At the end of the day, they have a message. A message that is worth sharing with the rest of the world. That’s exactly what I’m trying to do.

“La Bikina” is one of my favorite songs. While not all the songs that will be shared here will be traditional mexican music, I found it fitting for this one to be the one to start the series.

This song tells us the story of a beautiful girl, called “Bikina” by the local people. Author Rubén Fuentes does a fantastic job reflecting how beautiful and unreachable this girl is. There are rumours around her, but nothing concrete, as if no one had ever been able to speak with her. She is proud and reflects an aura of superiority, with the author referring to her almost as Royalty. In my favorite verse of the song, La Bikina is described as “Haughty, gorgeous and proud”. The way this is phrased, alongside the way those words are sung, gives the idea that even when the narrator wants to criticize her, he can’t help but acknowledge her incredible beauty. At the same time you get the feeling he might be referring to her beauty as a defect. In the end, you find out the reason she is that way. She did love, and was left broken hearted. How many of us haven’t been in that position? Yet it still feels as if this was bigger than that. A love as great as her beauty, as great as her pride.

It is a simple song, but unique in the way it tells the story. The video linked here is a live performance of the song by none other than Luis Miguel, one of the biggest artist and voices to have graced Mexico in recent times. A total icon, who recently has come to even more notoriety due to a Netflix biographic series about his incredible but bittersweet life, and I warn you in advance you’ll be seeing a lot of him in upcoming analysys. His performance is pristine, as is expected from “The Sun”, and it’s a great example of what traditional Mariachi music is really like. In case you haven’t yet, I invite you to enjoy this incredible song, originally written by Rubén Fuentes, in 1964. See you tomorrow!

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