
Mosaic Ventures
Mosaic Ventures


by Mosaic Ventures

We are incredibly grateful for the support we have received from so many quarters to launch Mosaic Ventures. We did not realize quite how many friends (founders and VCs) in the industry would be willing to go out of their way to call potential Limited Partner (“LP”) investors, provide strong references and clearly articulate why they thought Mosaic’s strategy made sense for the European market. As Churchill once said, success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm — while we were not short of it, our friends provided regular injections of morale along the way.

Now is the time for us to thank all of them from the bottom of our hearts. As many founders will know, the greatest gift anyone can give another person is to believe in them, and we have been fortunate to receive generous support in the past year. True acts of kindness are rare and we are very blessed to have such special people in our life.

Merci beaucoup to our incredible friends at Index Ventures – Danny Rimer, Neil Rimer, Mike Volpi, Dom Vidal, Saul Klein, and Robin Klein. Gracias to our longtime friend Andrew Braccia and the rest of the Accel Partners family in Palo Alto and London. Fred Wilson and Albert Wenger at Union Square Ventures — we could not have done it without you. Danke schön to Jon Callaghan at True Ventures. Tack to Bill Gurley, Matt Cohler, Peter Fenton and Steve Spurlock at Benchmark. Kiitos to Reid Hoffman and Aneel Bhusri at Greylock. Grazie to Josh Kopelman at First Round Capital. Aitäh to @Home alumni Adam Grosser at Silver Lake and John O’Farrell at Andreessen Horowitz. Dank je wel to Mark Evans and Daniel Waterhouse from Balderton. Köszönöm to our friends at Sequoia. Spasibo to Richard Branson, Peter Norris, Josh Bayliss, Gordon McCallum, Shai Weiss, and Evan Lovell at Virgin. And toda to Affan Butt (our generous landlord), Aileen Lee, Byron Deeter, Chris Olsen, Christian Reitberger, Frederic Court, Herb Allen, Jerry Yang, Joi Ito, Oren Zeev, Mike Risman, Philipp Freise, Scott Collins, Scott Raney, Thomas Hoegh, Toby Wyles and many others, including all those “off-list” references. You know who you are. Venture capital is something of a craft and begins with an apprenticeship, so we are particularly thankful to our former firms from whom we have learned so much.

A huge thank you to the founders and entrepreneurs who were instrumental in convincing our LPs that we are a great team to partner with to help build their companies – Andrew Rubin, Anthony Casalena, Bill Collis, Daniel Ek, Dave Goldberg, Gilad Japhet, Ijad Madisch, JB Rudelle, Jay Bregman, Jeff Weiner, Jose Ferreira, Karen Slatford, Marco Boerries, Mel Morris, Mika Salmi, Oleg Tscheltzoff, Peter Weijmarshausen, Phil Tee, Riccardo Zacconi, Rob Keve, Rob Solomon, Skip Battle, Stephane Kurgan, Rich Riley, Ulf Zetterberg, and Yair Goldfinger.

Without the belief shown in us by our LPs, we would not be in business today. We know we owe them a lot and look forward to developing strong and meaningful relationships together.

At the same time as we express our thanks, we also recognize that our task from here is to justify the faith and confidence placed in us by all who have played a role in Mosaic’s launch. We have the chance to work hard at work we love and that is worth doing, one of the greatest things on offer in this world. We look forward to the years ahead with immense gratitude.



Mosaic Ventures
Mosaic Ventures

We back founders who are reimagining the world. We invest $1–10m early, in those building daring adventures across Europe. —