CashApp Friday Giveaway Scam — BEWARE!!

Mostly Ashley
4 min readSep 6, 2019

If you love CashApp as much as I do and follow them on social media or have at least heard of CashApp, then you’ll already have known that they host a cash prize or cash “gift” giveaway called #CashAppFriday every friday of which a few lucky persons will be chosen at random to receive their share on their CashApp account and all you have to do is comment your Cashtag on their post.

But of course with everything good comes pros, cons and persons scheming to capitalize on these things that we all may fall vulnerable to at some point of our internet lives.

How Do You Fall Victim?

Since it is a #CashAppFriday promotion, thousands and thousands of people are commenting their CashTag names, some people even leave a heartfelt message as to why they should be amongst those chosen to receive a cash gift. That being said, these online scammers basically just scroll through the comments and select their next “prey” and send a nice little note along with a money request saying that you’ve won. I was actually a recent victim, but I spotted the con before I even attempted to get excited that I “won”, see the screenshot below!

How to Spot A CashApp Scam and Not Get Caught!

So just in case you didn’t know before, Cash App is a mobile payment service developed by Square, Inc and was formerly known as “Square Cash”, this goes to explain my screenshot above. Since the CashApp was formerly known as Square Cash, some persons still use or refer to it as such, so within the screenshot above clearly the “Square” is spelt incorrectly, as they have “Sqaure”

How exactly do I spot the scam?

  • Check for typos! Of course a huge corporation such as CashApp would not allow their platform to have simple typos and they do have a team that checks for things like that as well as any glitch within their system.
  • NEVER will you have to pay money, to collect money, especially money that you’ve supposedly won. As you can see in the screenshot above, this scammer is requesting for me to pay them $20 so that I can receive $500, now why couldn’t they simply deduct that $20 fee themself?
  • CashApp Cash Flip, some persons may go as far as to not only send you a payment request, but they may DM you on Instagram after acquiring your profile from your comment saying how they can turn your $5 into $50 or $500, obviously this is a scam, especially when they are constantly stating “this is legit”

Real CashApp Reward Programs

Now of course sometimes you have to spend money to make money and sometimes all you have to do is simply sign up to an app and boom, you’ve just earned $5! CashApp has a reward or referral program, in which you can simply sign up and apply the code J39MBGD and voila, you’ve just earned $5 simply by just signing up!

How does the CashApp reward program work?

Whether you’re an existing or new user of CashApp (formerly known as Square Cash), you will be able to utilize the amazing services and guess what? It’s a win-win situation, since both persons will receive $5 when one is invited to use Cash App and the invited person sends their first $5 or more, within 14 days of utilizing the code provided, which is J39MBGD

How do I use the reward code?


  • After downloading Cash App, open it
  • Tap the icon at the top-left corner.
  • At the bottom of that screen, tap “Enter Reward Code”.
  • Enter the Cash App Reward Code provided — J39MBGD

Once you’ve entered the Reward Code, you’ll have 14 days to send $5 or more either as multiple payments or at once, in order to actually receive your reward. If you don’t send $5 within this time frame, you’re sign up bonus will be gone forever , so go ahead, take advantage of the sign up bonus!

The direct link can be accessed from any mobile device, desktop or laptop

Please also be aware that there are many FAKE codes circulating on the internet, some offering more values like $10, $25, $50 or more. Those codes will not give you the reward mentioned. Use either code J39MBGD to get your actual promised reward.

