Mostovenko AlexanderinHackerNoon.comSimple i18n for Create React App with ttagThis article will describe how you can set up the translation process for Create React App with ttag in a few minutes with 5 simple steps.Nov 17, 20183Nov 17, 20183
Mostovenko AlexanderinHackerNoon.comLocalization in javascript with c-3poProject was renamed to ttag. Follow the new doc — The name was changed due to the possible legal infringement. (look…Jan 22, 2018Jan 22, 2018
Mostovenko AlexanderUnit testing for async logic with RxjsThere are a lot of approaches for writing async logic in javascript nowadays. This article does not aim to convince you that rxjs is the…May 21, 2016May 21, 2016