2019 and beyond..

Motion Team
3 min readJan 9, 2019


Happy New year to all of you from the MOTION Team..

New year means new goals, new achievements, and new inspirations.

Let's get into it..

Collateral change..

As you may know, Motion value is getting affected in coin price in part by inflation, accompanied by a terrible and almost never-ending bear market, so we at the team were debating for changes internally to control this.

More than six months ago, a survey regarding a collateral change was organized on Discord to capture the feedback from the community.

We know this is a very hot topic and want to organize a new voting round soon. Stay tuned for more info regarding this, community voting will be announced shortly.

Smart contracts developer..

As Prometheus and Lacroy are great developers, we would like to add an additional developer(s) who specializes in Smart contracts. Smart contracts will be the heart and soul of Motion project’s crowdfunding platform.

If you are a developer and want to join the team? Get in touch via our Discord and be part of something groundbreaking.

Wallet upgrade..

CryptoBridge is currently charging 0.5 BTC for a new wallet upgrade. The team currently has 0.25 BTC in hands to perform this wallet upgrade. Based on the analysis, the team has decided to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Combining both the collateral change and the Smart contract code into one upgrade. The latter is needed for our crowdfunding use case. Therefore paying CryptoBridge only once.

Due to low Motion (XMN) price, the team currently can’t afford to upgrade the wallet only for the collateral change. Selling a huge part of the pre-mine would jeopardize funds for later developments thus would result in an even lower Motion (XMN) market price, as we would need to sell these coins on an exchange.

Once all Smart contract wallet-developments are done, we’ll again evaluate the current Motion (XMN) price and determine and communicate further actions.

Whitepaper rewrite done, translators wanted..

The whitepaper rewrite is done and will be released shortly. Team Motion is looking for volunteers that can translate the new whitepaper. The languages we’re aiming to cover are Esperanto, Français (French), Indonesian, Português (Portuguese), العَرَبِيَّة (Arabic), हिंदी (Hindi), 日本語 (Japanese), German and pyccкий язык (Russian). Get in touch via our Discord if you want to translate the new whitepaper.

New team member..

As stated in the previos article, Let us welcome DenJohn to the team. He has more than 10 years of experience in consulting and IT product development in agile and waterfall environments. DenJohn will be the project manager guiding the team to reach its goals.

The current core team is as follows..

Head developer — Prometheus

Support developer — Omar Cruz

Assistant developer — Lacroy

Smart Contracts Developers — TBA

Project Manager — DenJohn

Marketing Manager — Redington

Content/Community Manager — Jonas

Community Lead — Qarmand

Networking — Lemanyax

Team support — Rayyan and Hobo

Tech support — Juniormasters, Hab0t

Also a big thank you to all the volunteers and staff helping the team each week bringing this great project to life..




Motion Team

Motion (XMN) is a pathway for crowdfunding projects to gain funds via the use of smart contracts and blockchain technology.