Motion Project Update — Team structure and Beyond…

Motion Team
2 min readSep 4, 2018


Hi all,

Jonas is the name, I have taken on the role as community manager.

This article will be the first of many, with the intention to be short, sweet and to the point.

We have been busy AF at Motion project, so lets get into it.

The team has received a lot of feedback and support recently, we have decided to create a more streamlined structure, this will help put a name to the face so to speak, or just a name to an area of expertise.

Why all the changes? In a word efficiency, giving clear structure to each area of the project.

Team as follows.

Head developer — Prometheus

Support developer — Omar Cruz

Assistant developer — Lacroy

Project Manager –Crypto monk

Marketing Manager — Redington

Community Manager — Jonas (Me)

Networking — Lemanyax

Team support — Rayyan and Hobo

Tech support — Juniormasters, Hab0t

..This is to name a few, more volunteers and staff are joining the team each week bringing this great project to maturity.

Coming on board it will be my job to give you clear information regarding Motion project, Hopefully answer all those burning questions (except when I’m asleep)..

It will be a great pleasure to be your canary in the mine 😉


Community Manager




Motion Team

Motion (XMN) is a pathway for crowdfunding projects to gain funds via the use of smart contracts and blockchain technology.