New Motion team members..

Motion Team
1 min readSep 27, 2018


Hi all and welcome..

Motion project is excited to announce we have acquired 2 new core team members..

Prometheus (Head Developer)
He has some serious programming knowledge which includes:
C/C++, C#, Website (HTML, PHP, CSS), Python, experience with JS
Framework: QT for C/C++, .NET for C#, Laravel or Phalcon for PHP, NodeJS for JS

For the not so tech savvy.. These platforms allow him to write scripts while working on a variety of applications. Bringing the best integration of Motion into the real world.

Omar Cruz is taking on the role of Support Developer.

Lacroy (Assistant Developer)
As above but with specialties in Website (Html, CSS),discord.js, wallet development and a passion for python. He also plays the drums but is keen to learn the violin :)




Motion Team

Motion (XMN) is a pathway for crowdfunding projects to gain funds via the use of smart contracts and blockchain technology.