Repair Financing and BNPL Insurance for vehicles on the Bolt platform.

2 min readSep 13, 2022


BNPL image

Motor Africa by envio unveils repair financing, BNPL for insurance for cars on the Bolt platform.

Car subscription for commercial mobility services is not new, and the challenges that have saddled the concept of car subscription are as old as the model.

Word on the street has described the idea of leasing out cars for commercial mobility as a nightmare only for the strong-hearted.

This time around, Motor Africa is influencing the experience of car subscription for commercial mobility services by infusing the use of analytical telemetry data that predicts and rewards drivers with credit support to meet up weekly lease payments, buy petrol, and likewise soft loans to cushion the effects of economic pressures.

In addition, Motor Africa is building a community of support partners offering workshop services for drivers and hosts in different cities in Nigeria.

As part of the campaign to drive growth for peer-to-peer car subscriptions for commercial mobility services, we are launching repair financing and a BNPL insurance program to help vehicle owners (hosts) get their cars fit for subscription while they earn weekly on the Bolt platform.

Hosting a car on subscription on Motor Africa by Envio allows hosts to list their cars on our marketplace and connect with verified drivers on Bolt, while the Motor Africa proprietary billing technology guarantees the weekly lease payments.

Each host can also monitor the state of their car from the Motor Africa mobile app.

To learn more about the car subscription from Motor Africa by envio , please visit




Motor Africa by envio is building a marketplace for revenue-based car financing and subscription for mobility entrepreneurs in emerging markets.