The Story of Three Call-to-Action Buttons, Which Converts


Once there was a great website, the story started out with designing multiple pages, marrying with high performing landing pages and slowly pacing it up. The designed was ready to something that seemed near to perfect and could enable branding. Building the perfect website was hard. The designer took great care on the following aspects such as right color scheme, to choose the font that is able to engage the audience and make sure that the technical elements are perfect such as SEO.

However, still something felt to be missing out. The designer was in deep thought as to what he could be missing. When he took to the website pages, his eyes fixed upon the Call-to-Action button. Yes, the ‘request a quote’ button, the button that will take the user to the ideal page to place their order, was missing a luster, the attractiveness to engage an audience and fulfill the desire of the client to complete the action for which he was designing the website.

This is the essential website items and can be unbelievably difficult to get right. From choosing the right shape to the placement of the website, there are varieties of different elements, which you might like to consider when you try to create the best call to action buttons for your website. there were so many factors to consider, so the designer felt a little overwhelmed and settle on a button quickly and without much hesitation, he got down to work on the button, but all the hard work went in vain. Until he met the ‘Wise Designer’ who asked him to take a look into the website of three different websites who are making thousands of conversions since their inception. The reason was that they had done their call-to-action correctly –


The best call to action button features a copy that gets users to click and see what comes next in a website’s conversion funnel process. It is equally important that any good call to action stand out from the crowd and actually converts. Uber’s website has three separate background images that scroll behind a CTA button and does not change in color, shape, or position (in the middle left-hand side of the site). You get three different versions of copy for three different demographics. What so interesting is in this CTA button? Well, the three scrolling background effectively goes after each of their target audiences that too in order.

· First behind the riders with a simple “sign up” copy

· Second to the drivers with the same message

· Third for the people, who have an interest in the business and what are they doing for the community through a “learn more” call to action.

The copy is clear, to the point and draws the attention so powerfully, that most of the user’s interaction is solely concentrated around the CTA button. The designer also found that Uber’s “click to learn more” or “purchase a product” was extremely effective and lot more interactive. It serves as a way to push people down the conversion funnel before approaching the purchase process.


Designer craved to the wise man for the second story. Well, he narrated the story of Crazyegg’s website. They have an extremely simple homepage. You will find the company’s logo and has a simple question to ask their visitor “What’s making your visitors leave?” Then it goes a step further and provides a solution by suggesting that user can find it by entering their website, just clicking on the CTA — “Show Me My Heatmap”.

Such an effective CTA button because it aims to offer the customer with a simple solution and that what most us are for, isn’t it? By the time they finish on the next page, they feel eager to know the answer to the question that Crazyegg have on their Homepage. Emotional triggers activate user interaction and let the company make more business every day.


The content on the rest of the page can affect the call to action and your business, but lack in content can also be hazardous. The best example of spacing leading to a call to action button that converts can be found only in Litmus’s site. You will find the button “Get started now” is effective for most sites. They have structured their pages in such a manner that work co-effectively. They have used the extremely high-quality image of a desktop with their email-testing suite, married perfectly to their CTA button. It is enough to impress a user and why & how their CTA can serve. Their product suite looks great and provides conversions. You will find text just above the CTA that will quench the answer of ‘why’ that arises in the mind of the user.

This is impressive and while designing a CTA button, it is important to see there is a single background image, two lines of text and a standard navigation element to contend the users and make them scroll further. Such call-to-actions, which are prominent, and gets more result on the page, drives higher conversions.

After finishing off his stories, the ‘Wise Designer’ asked, the design and development team to set a clear goal that will reflect in their CTA button. It should have every sign to point that they are extremely effective so that it converts. He also added that we must note that a CTA must look nice, but just looking n ice and not functioning is going to downsize the traffic. So don’t just create a great looking call to action button, test it! See how it performs before you launch your great website in the online market.

